Month: June 2011

“I hate History!”

Stories tend to hold children spellbound. Tales about kings and queens, voyages of discovery seem to fascinate children if told with the right mix of drama and action. Seen in this light, history can be made into an interesting subject if anecdotes and stories not found in textbooks are narrated with zeal and enthusiasm. The author tells readers how she got children hooked to History as a subject with her story-telling.

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Innovation is the key

Roshen Dalal tells us how History can be taught using several approaches, one of which is to integrate it with other subjects to make it more interesting. This holds true especially for the junior classes.Read on to find out more.

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Fascinating facets

Dr. Chithra Madhavan India has a wonderful history going back several millennia. This is brought to us time and gain via our literature (prose and poetry), sculpture, inscriptions, and outstanding monuments. It is through a thorough study of all these that pioneering historians have written books on the ancient and medieval history of India. Every facet of this history – political, economic, social, and cultural is indeed fascinating. This is more so when we realize that much of what we see and do today is only a continuation of what was done in the past. What we have in India, is therefore, a continuing tradition –something very few countries in the world today can be proud of. However, there has been a tendency, over the years, in the teaching of history in schools and colleges, to emphasize, or perhaps even to over-emphasize the political aspect of history. It is indeed very important for students to have a correct idea of dates, ruling dynasties, and kings, as these form a strong foundation for the learning of other aspects in history. However, a strong focus only on this aspect is probably the reason for most students finding history a boring subject. A result of this is that, most students drop this subject at the very first opportunity, which is immediately after the 10th standard examinations, till which time it remains compulsory. Field trips: In a country like India, there is absolutely no reason for this interesting subject to be boring and to be confined only to classrooms. If the syllabus could be a bit flexible and include an element of local history, it could make a huge change in the way students perceive this subject. Reading about, or being taught about what is around them will certainly kindle students’ interest, especially at the school level. For example, there are many pre-historic sites in various parts of India, and if school students are taught pre-history in the classroom and then taken to a nearby pre-historic site on a field-trip they will be thrilled to know how people lived in ages bygone. If such a field-trip is out of the question due to reasons of long distances, the alternative would be to show them many of the stone-age artifacts found in the region and housed in museums via a PowerPoint presentation. While schools know that it is mandatory to have laboratories for science subjects (which is one of the reasons that science becomes a more interesting option), the fact

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Films can make the difference

Faced with a herculean task of inspiring a love for history among her students, a teacher relies on various materials. Films are a valuable resource, as also popular cinema, documentaries, video clips from You Tube. Here are a few suggestions.

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Comics, classrooms and the legend of Anant Pai

Who can forget Amar Chithra Katha comics and of course, Anant Pai? He was responsible for the collective foray of a generation into mythology, history and folklore. This article gives an idea of how comics can be an invaluable teaching aid. Comics are colourful, attractive, and not text-heavy. Further, children subconsciously relate comics to leisure and free time, which helps in creating a receptive mindset.

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Myths and Us: An enduring relationship

In this article, the author argues for giving mythology more space in the curriculum and letting children explore what they can actually do with the stuff of mythology. It might serve the function of exposing children to philosophical questions and ethical dilemmas as well as cultural differences.

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Travelling through the lens

This article takes a look at what goes on behind a cameraperson’s lens, and inside his or her mind, as an image is transferred from an experience in the present into a window to the past.

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Why people’s stories matter

Oral history – recording people’s experiences and insights through their own narratives – has an important
place in building and preserving collective memory. The author engages in conversation with an archivist who speaks of fascinating stories that emerge.

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