The art of seeing
Aditi Mathur and Ratnesh Mathur
“The question is not what you look at but what you see.” – Henry David Thoreau
How do you see the world around you? Or, more specifically what do you see ‘in’ the world around you. Do you see rainbows in your garden? Do you see roses in cheeks? Do you see bravery in costumes? Do you see a “D” in an autorickshaw? Do you see a rose and say – ‘oh it’s just another rose’ or do you marvel why its majestic thorns bend slightly downwards? Do you see a scene in a movie and enjoy the moment – or do you also enjoy the low camera angle the director chose to make the eyes and tears look deeper? Do you read a math problem and start solving it or do you see it unfolding in front of you – objectified within your realm of visualization? Do you like a juicy orange – or do you also see a beautiful dress evolving out of the slices that span out?
Visual Intelligence is about seeing from an active, seeking, thoughtful, wondering, playful mind. It’s about seeing the present, the future and the past. It’s about seeing, carrying, playing with, and creating images. Visual Intelligence is not about Art class. It’s about Art class in every class.
The starting point of understanding, exploring, and using visual intelligence is observation.
The authors run Geniekids, a learning centre in Bangalore that works with children. To know more about their work visit