Visual treat!
Visual representation of topics is extremely important in a subject like science. In this time’s web watch we review a science website, which has short 3 minute films on a variety of topics in the subject.
Visual representation of topics is extremely important in a subject like science. In this time’s web watch we review a science website, which has short 3 minute films on a variety of topics in the subject.
Teaching in a residential school–how different is it from teaching in a day school? What kind of spirit and attitude should teachers who teach in residential schools have? Are teachers who live on campus more stressed or satisfied at the end of a day? We set out to find answers to these questions and more.
Of all the subjects there are, math is perhaps the most logical and practical of them all. Yet it doesn’t find favour with many students because they fear it. In this article, the author who is a math teacher, suggests some remedial activities that a teacher can take up in her class to nip that fear of math in its bud.
In the Indian education system, the textbook is the ultimate source of knowledge in a subject. But is our dependence on textbooks stifiling children’s curiosity and observation skills?
Since time does not always permit us to take our students out to observe and learn from nature, why not use our natural intelligence to bring the essence of nature into our classrooms and the subjects we learn. Here is how we can do that.
Think aloud can be an effective strategy in the teaching-learning process as teachers can clearly witness how different students think their way out of the problems they encounter. This article offers tips on how students can be taught to think aloud.
Addressing the principal, Shankar Musafir in his book, ‘To the Principal–Yours sincerely’, takes a keen look at the way schools are managed in this country and offers suggestions to improve them. Here we review this book.
A book for all those who want to learn to use the English language better, the first volume of Prof. Upendran’s book, ‘Know Your English’, discusses idioms popular in the language, their origins and meaning. Read here a review of the book.
Business organizations use what is called a Balance Scorecard to evaluate their all-round performance. Similarly, this author has developed an Academic Scorecard that schools can use to evaluate themselves and plan their strategies for improvement accordingly.
Learn how to make your own simple working force meter from this article.
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