Let’s explore South Asia!
Chintan Girish Modi
How well do you know your neighbour countries? Find out by answering questions in this quiz and solving a word search.
Chintan Girish Modi
How well do you know your neighbour countries? Find out by answering questions in this quiz and solving a word search.
Malasree Dasgupta
The Earth is called the Blue planet for a reason. About 70% of the Earth is water. It is obvious that we have to learn the importance of this natural substance in supporting life on Earth. Here are some activities for you to try out the next time you are teaching this topic.
Pradita Nambiar
Map making need not necessarily be the sole right of the cartographers. See how this teacher got her students to make the map of the world and in the process learn quite a lot about the countries of the world.
Kuldeep Garg
Not much thought is given to map exercises in schools. Children are asked to mark place names or physical features on maps and then they are forgoten. A learning centre in Madhya Pradesh shows us the right direction to follow to make mapping exercise meaningful.
Chandra Shekhar Balachandran
Geography through a television programme, and not your regular NGC documentaries either. See how you can use the popular British comedy series, ‘Yes, Prime minister’ to teach several concepts in geography. Find a study sheet attached as well.
Prachi Ranadive
There are many topics in geography that are better taught outside the classroom than inside. Read on to see how children from a school in Mumbai learnt about agriculture by becoming farmers for a day.
Shruthi Jagadeesh
The interdisciplinary nature of geography is not brought forth in any school or class. It is only when you look at the vast array of subjects that geography is a part of your understand the importance of geography. Find in this article a few suggestions to help you children see the connections that geography has with other subjects.
Susheela Raghavan
In many classrooms, stories are becoming part of the teaching-learning process. Here is how you can use stories to teach geographic concepts.
Divya Choudary
Ever had the idea of using stamps to teach geography? Stamps are the best way to learn about new countries, achievements, history, flora and fauna. Start collecting stamps today and see how fun your geography class can turn out to be.
Geetha Aravind
Newspaper in education is a concept that is gaining ground in many schools. Using current events to teach geography helps connect the subject to the lives of the children. This teacher shares with the readers three examples of how current news events can be used to teach geography.
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