Oh No!
Aditi Mathur and Ratnesh Mathur
Just because a system has been around for 150 years it does not mean that it is perfect. Far from it, our education system, like any other, has stuck with age-old beliefs. Like any other learning process let’s question our education system and see if fresh perspectives, de-weeding can make it any stronger. We share 25 “OH NOs”. A request – do not agree or disagree with us. But we would like you to think about these. Do add your ‘Oh, No’ also to the list and share it/them with us.
We are supposed to teach the students according to the syllabus.
“Oh, No!” The syllabus is only an excuse to make them think, to develop this core ability.
Knowledge is powerful.
“Oh, No!” Knowledge is a commodity. The real power is each child’s ability to apply knowledge.
Children need to know.
“Oh, No!” Children need to experience and understand. From understanding will sprout knowledge of all kinds, of all requirements.
The authors are educators, trainers for teachers and parents. They belong to amable.in – an organisation out to empower learning, learners – teachers and children alike.