Think like Holmes
The curious nature of a child
Many children are curious about the world around them. If you are a parent, you are already familiar with their never-ending “Why?” questions. Sometimes, they are just trying to get your attention, but more often, they want to understand. They ask simple questions like, “What is a rainbow?”, “Why are bubbles round?”, “How do plants grow?”, and “Why does wood float, but a stone sink?”
When a student asks you this question, you have a choice – you can simply give them an answer and then they are satisfied, or consider this a good opportunity to teach him/her the scientific method.
Make them think
The classic fictional crime-solving detective Sherlock Holmes can teach us a lot about the brilliance and beauty of the scientific method. He is known for an unbiased mind in his investigations. He changes the theory to suit the facts, while an unscientific investigator might change the facts to suit his theory. What he does is simple – lists all possibilities, eliminates the ones that aren’t correct, and comes to a conclusion using the remaining possibilities. The quality that makes him unique in the way he uses the scientific method is his power of observation and a lack of bias.
The article has been contributed by Butterfly Fields, a company working in the domain of innovative teaching learning techniques. To know more about the work the company does, visit or call 040 2771 1020.