<em>Teacher Plus</em>: reflections on silver
Divya Choudary
There are many journals on teaching and education. Teacher Plus is not one of them. Teacher Plus, celebrates teachers and the work they do. At its 25th anniversary event held recently in Hyderabad, Teacher Plus took the time to reflect on its evolution and contribution to the education practice in India.
Sharing his views on education today, as the keynote speaker, Dr Rajaram Sharma, Joint Director of NCERT, New Delhi, emphasized that teachers need to “recover their centre” by seeing their role as important mediators in a child’s journey through an increasingly complex world. His thought-provoking talk and interesting use of anecdotes kept the audience riveted.
Author and teacher Kamala V Mukunda spoke about her book What did you ask at school today? and went on to discuss with the guests the role of the teacher in today’s world. Teacher Plus also presented the guests with a signed copy of her book.

The event provided an opportunity to listen to views on the role of teachers and the meaning of learning with presentations by teachers and teacher educators. Prof. Geetha Durairajan, with 25 years in the field, shared a unique perspective on how “movement and reflection” were the ideas that captured teaching for her. Apurva, with two years of teaching experience, shared her learning as a new teacher in a digital age.
The other highlights of the programme were the reflective activities that counsellor Zenobia Rustomfram conducted for the teachers. Participants enjoyed the interesting and engaging exercises that demonstrated how to cultivate an enthusiasm for learning and deal with instruction and organization.
Started in 1989, Teacher Plus is known for its thought-provoking features and hands-on activities that bridge theory and practice in the learning environment. Twenty five years on, and as a monthly magazine supported by Azim Premji University, Teacher Plus continues to endeavour, through its articles, to spark ideas and means of their implementation in schools and learning spaces, and also give teachers a sense of themselves – as people, as professionals, and as important catalysts of human development.
With 25 years behind them, a bright future is ahead for Teacher Plus. Editor of Teacher Plus, Dr Usha Raman wrote, “The big project for the next 25 years is to build a larger, more diverse, more interactive community of innovative practice.” The magazine continues to gain momentum – due in large part to the enthusiasm and involvement of its readers, contributing writers, and supporting educational institutions.