Let's bingo!
Manaswini Sridhar
You have probably been impressed by bingo cards like the ones here, and thought to yourself, “How interesting it must be to teach numbers to students using these cards.” Primary school students will certainly agree that the learning process is more enjoyable and refreshing when teachers resort to more ways of connecting with the student and making learning more fun rather than the customary dreary and tedious methods.
The first bingo card with only the first ten digits (see adjoining column) is normally used for pre-primary students and the first grade. Students will probably enjoy the game (not task!) of identifying numbers as quickly as possible as the teacher calls them out arbitrarily. The teacher can spell out a number and have students identify it!
The very same bingo card may also be used for other activities at the primary level. Students may be asked to identify the number that corresponds with the ordinal number. Example: eighth, fourth, tenth. The teacher may call out the cardinal numbers for some (8, 4) and the ordinal numbers for some (ninth, second). This kind of variation sharpens the concentration skills of the students.
Once the concepts of column and row have been introduced, the teacher can also use the very same card to have students identify even and odd numbers. Example:
1. Circle the odd number in the first row. (1)
2. Circle the highest even number in the third row. (10)
3. Circle the lowest odd number in the second row. (3)
4. Draw a triangle around the even number in the third column. (6)
Bingo games are not confined to just one subject; the interesting thing about these games is they teach the player a number of skills simultaneously.
How can this be done? The teacher can interweave language skills by varying the way the questions are posed.
1. Which is the odd number in the first row? Draw an x next to it.
2. Identify the even number in the third row. Write a small e next to it.
3. Can you locate the lowest odd number in the second row? Draw a circle around it.
4. Find the even number in the third column and draw a triangle around it.
In this manner students assimilate both language and mathematical skills since their ears are getting attuned to both at the same time.
1 | 4 | 6 |
3 | 8 | 9 |
10 | 2 | 7 |
7 | 2 | 10 |
9 | 8 | 3 |
5 | 6 | 4 |
6 | 7 | 2 |
1 | 10 | 9 |
8 | 5 | 3 |
4 | 7 | 6 |
5 | 9 | 2 |
1 | 8 | 10 |
The numbers in the grids may be changed to suit the level of the children and the complexity or simplicity of the task involved.
8 | 20 | 39 | 48 | 67 |
3 | 25 | 42 | 60 | 61 |
13 | 21 | Free space | 59 | 62 |
11 | 30 | 32 | 54 | 71 |
4 | 16 | 37 | 53 | 72 |
The grid above has predominantly double-digit numbers, and therefore the teacher has the opportunity to play around with more questions, ranging from the simple to the more complex.
1. Identify the single digit odd number by colouring it red. (3)
2. Which is the lowest even number? Circle it. (4)
3. Which is the single digit prime number? (3) Draw a triangle around it.
The teacher has now scaled up the level of complex questions, so the target audience is no longer the primary section.
4. Circle the highest primary number on the grid. (71)
5. Circle the lowest primary number on the grid. (2)
6. Put a cross on the highest composite number. (72)
The students must be given time to digest the question, work out the answers mentally or on paper and then carry out the instructions. It is expected that the teacher reads out the question clearly, slowly and with the right kind of encouragement. Students who are quicker than the average students need to be told well in advance that the usefulness of the game lies in the ability of the players to wait patiently for the rest of the class. As teachers we can see that the listening skills of students do become enhanced not just to solve mathematical problems or equations but also to comprehend and respond accordingly to questions.
For teachers who are teaching fractions in classes where students still do not understand the distinction between the numerator and the denominator, here are more questions.
1. Circle the denominator in the fraction 13/72. (72)
2. Which is the numerator in the fraction 60/61? (60)
3. In order to have a proper fraction, versus an improper one, would 32 be the numerator or would 54 be the numerator? (32)
For teachers testing the addition, subtraction, division, or multiplication skills of students, the bingo grid offers a wide gamut of activities, ranging from the simple problems to the more complicated ones. It also helps students understand the mathematical terminology that many of us don’t take the time to comprehend because we feel mathematics is all about numbers.
1. In the sum 30 divided by 60, which is the dividend? (60)
2. In the sum 3 divided by 48, which is the divisor? (3)
3. Which is the quotient for the same sum? (16)
4. Circle the product of 7 and 3. (21) The student has to here understand that product refers to multiplication and not to addition or subtraction. Many a time teachers assume that students understand mathematical terminology only to find that the primary reason students are unable to solve mathematical problems is because they do not understand the mathematical terms used.
5. If the product is 48, circle the two factors. (16 and 3)
6. Circle the sum of 48 and 11. (57) Students need to understand that the terminology refers to addition.
7. In the sum 62-59=3, which number is called the difference? (3)
If students have a problem with deciphering the Roman numerals, take help of the bingo card once again. Call out numbers and have students circle them. Give them addition, subtraction, and multiplication sums and have them circle the answer in the form of Roman numerals.
It is not just the teacher who can give clues. Students can be divided into groups to brainstorm clues and sums for the other teams to work on. This will encourage students to think, and this in turn will actually refine their mathematical skills along with their language skills.
Students may be asked to design a bingo card as part of their project work. They may also design bingo clue cards. The project can be graded on the basis of design, knowledge of mathematics and the variety of questions posed.
XIII | XXIX | Free space | VI | XXXI |
LV | XX | L | LVI | XXVI |
These are only some of areas that can be dealt with; teachers of mathematics are likely to generate more interesting, complicated, and stimulating questions. The next time you look at a game, look at it from the perspective of a teacher…maybe you can devise better ways of transmitting knowledge.
The author is a teacher educator and language trainer based in Hyderabad. She can be reached at manaswinisridhar@gmail.com.