Visionary school–Imparting value based education
Chakravarthy Rama
To induce a sound education framed to prepare students for the world of tomorrow, imbued with the zeal and spirit of service, the school strives to develop the whole personality (body, mind and spirit) of the pupils in an ambience of freedom and personal responsibility. In my opinion education must teach one to lead a complete life. If one learns the right things and possess efficiency and the right values, one will have the strength to live one’s life beautifully.
Visionary schools are very much essential in the present day situation. Vidyalaya should promote value based education for inculcating righteousness, honesty, truthfulness, and sincerity among children and transform them into bright citizens of this subcontinent.
GMR Chinmaya Vidyalaya (GMRCV) was established with a vision by two great personalities, Pujya Swami Chinmayanandaji Founder of Chinmaya Mission, Chinmaya Seva Trust-Hyderabad (CST-H) and Sri Grandhi Mallikarjuna Rao, Chairman GMR Varlakshmi Foundation (GMRVF) GMR Group.
GMRCV has been set up in collaboration with GMRVF and CST-H with the object of providing high quality value based education to all children, in particular to those in the poorer section of the society and to propagate and promote Indian culture and patriotism, leading to an integrated development of the child by effective implementation of the Chinmaya Vision Program (CVP) in the curriculum.
Gifted Children are chosen from the down trodden section of the society based on different parameters such as vulnerability, poverty status, etc., and are provided free education accompanied by other amenities such as provision of books, uniforms, food, evening extra tuition classes, etc., for enlightening their lives with the hope, determination and strength and to transform them into good individuals of tomorrow.
Children are the very cream of our generation and they are the rulers and makers of tomorrow. Upon them depends the future of the nation and the safety of our culture and tradition. Let us give them a healthy physical and mental atmosphere, develop team spirit and national fervor, ingrain in them respect for life and love for all living creatures.
CVP focuses on four facets of personality—physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth that need to be integrated during school age. Along with modern education, which prepares an individual to earn his livelihood, exposure to and knowledge of the Indian culture has to be imparted from a very young age. A sense of pride and true citizenship comes only when values like patriotism are inculcated in the young minds. Commitment to global issues, such as literacy, population control, environmental protection, etc., comes when one has a universal outlook.
CORD: Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development is an integrated wing of Chinmaya Vidyalaya which encourages seva bhava among the students. “Hands that serve are holier than lips that pray.” By inculcating the attitude of seva bhava sacrifice, patience, tolerance, simplicity, sensitivity, self-control, hard work, courage, confidence, caring and sharing can be promoted among the students to face real-time situations and become better individuals of the society.
Therefore I personally wish to see such visionary schools come up for the synthesis of bright and excellent students of tomorrow and transforming the society in a right path safeguarding our culture and tradition.
The author is Principal, GMR CHINMAYA Vidyalaya, Airport Campus, Shamshabad, Hyderabad. He can be reached at