Month: July 2020

Reshaping education during the pandemic

Sanjhee Gianchandani
It seems like the ant and the elephant story playing out in real life. A microscopic virus has wrecked havoc in the lives of human beings worldwide. Like everything else, education systems across the globe have been disrupted. How are the various stakeholders in education coping with this crisis? Have we found ways to adapt? Is online education the solution to our problems? Are we listening to the voices of the digital have-nots? While the situation we are in is unprecedented and therefore scary, perhaps we should also look upon this as an opportunity to rethink what education should actually be like and work towards more permanent solutions that will help us withstand future crises.

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Finding new ways to learn

Usha Raman
The past few months have been tough on everybody but more so on teachers. While online teaching has shown that learning needn’t stop, it has not really been the ideal solution either. With little time to adapt to a new mode of teaching, teachers are also battling new problems that online teaching brings–whether it is the lack of social interaction among their students or internet accessibility. And yet there is always something new to learn. There is always hope even in despair.

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New and unfamiliar

Usha Raman
The new academic year has begun on a totally different note – online classes, reduced syllabi and of course, new students meeting their teachers for the first time online. How has the experience been both for teachers and students? It is important that teachers share their experiences about what works, what doesn’t, what frustrates, what gives joy – with their peers as well as those in the teaching fraternity.

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When students’ voices take centre-stage

Fiona Vaz
Active Learning engages students in two ways – doing things and thinking about the things they are doing. In order to learn, students must do more than just listen. They need to read, write, discuss or be engaged in solving problems. But why do most schools and teachers resist adopting Active Learning methods in their classrooms? The reasons are many, ranging from a vast syllabus to class control and even time management. This month’s Cover stories explore the relevance of these methods and even highlight some strategies that can be adopted.

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A clutch of immoral letters

Ratnesh Mathur and Aditi Mathur
Children are often confused with terms like ‘trust’, ‘honesty’, ‘responsibility’. When adults or parents use them in everyday conversations, there is a sense of contradiction. So how can children deal with these abstract emotions? Would it not be better if they were allowed to just find out for themselves, learn and understand and find their path?

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Emotional literacy through picture books

Lakshmi Karunakaran
The role of a library educator is not merely to give access to books, but also to nurture children’s socio-emotional and cognitive growth. The article highlights the author’s experiences of how a library can address the emotional needs of all children, including those who are ‘at risk’ or/and are from marginalized communities.

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Treasures linked to geography

CIPAM team
This article explores a community IP right known as Geographical Indication. GIs are an IP Right that extend protection to mainly agricultural, natural or manufactured products such as handicrafts and industrial items produced in a certain geographical area. How can teachers get their students interested in GIs so that they get to know more about their country’s treasure trove?

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The Pyramids – a cross-curricular trip

Sunita Biswas
For centuries, the pyramids of Egypt have been a source of wonder because of their size, the complexities in the construction process and about the men who created these enduring marvels. So, in the school curriculum, how can this topic be dealt across all disciplines and not just history? Here is a fascinating insight.

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The queen of all subjects

Aditya Rao
A teacher shares his dilemma about whether he should teach in English or Hindi and about finding the right words to explain scientific concepts. The problem, he discovers, is with the children’s language skills. And the solution? Read on to find out.

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Untreated pandemic

Neerja Singh
Taking off from the ‘Bois Locker Room’ incident, the article does some plain speaking asking parents to stay informed, aware, open and relevant to the confusing world their children inhabit.

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