Month: December 2020

10 years in and it’s just the beginning

Arundhati Misra and Abhik Bhattacherji
Reforms needn’t always come from an outside authority, if we put our minds to it, even individuals can transform an existing system. Teach for India, as its founder Shaheen Mistri envisioned, has become a people-led movement that is transforming India’s schools from the grassroots.

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Adopt and adapt – when learning is globalized

Ardra Balachandran
Why is it that some countries’ education systems are considered better than the others? How did Finland and Canada come to have progressive education systems? What did Singapore or Poland do right to become education hubs of the world? While education in every country is influenced by its culture and community, we certainly can learn and adapt from systems better than our own.

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Allowing aspirations to soar: Telangana’s social welfare schools

R.S. Praveen Kumar
It is never easy for those living on the fringes to find their place in society, to chase after their dreams. As the more privileged, it is up to us to help them become a part of the society. The Telangana Social Welfare Schools are showing us how to, by lifting such children from the margins of the society and helping them soar.

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Envisioning Education Policy

Anjali Noronha
The education of its citizens is one of the primary concerns of every nation, which is why the formulation of education policies are often long drawn, critical exercises. Since independence, India has had three National Education Policies, each reflecting the hopes and vision of the country at the time. We present a brief history and analysis of some of the highlights in each policy.

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How ready are we? NEP 2020 and early years schooling

KanuPriya Jhunjhunwala
One of the most important aspects of NEP 2020 has been its emphasis on Early Childhood Care and Education and recognizing this foundational stage of education as a continuous process of learning leading into primary school. While the Policy clearly states how it hopes to make this group of children ready for the primary stage of schooling, there is no talk about whether schools in the country are ready for them.

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Wild Shaale: Bringing Indian biodiversity to classrooms

Ishika Ramakrishna and Krithi K. Karanth
EVS is a subject that finds its place on the time table of every school. However, it is also a subject that does not get the importance it deserves. If EVS is taught unimaginatively and out of context, how do we expect children to be sensitive to the needs of nature and help conserve it?

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Introducing India’s environmental concerns to young readers

Chintan Girish Modi
Conservation and protection of the environment is a concern that everybody including young children should be aware of. But how does one introduce this topic to them? How do we make them realize the magnitude of the issue? How do we get them to start thinking about the environment? Meghaa Gupta’s new book is a good way to start.

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In search of beginnings

Madhulika Sagaram
The chalk and talk method only encourages rote memorization and does not help imbibe knowledge. If one observes indigenous ways of living, knowledge is gathered through experiences, by doing, feeling and touch. When the senses are involved, learning is automatic. In our classrooms too, it is such experiences in context that we have to provide if our students are to learn.

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