Month: March 2022

The new age dad

Neerja Singh
The definition of fatherhood is changing. Today, a father’s job is not limited to earning for the family. Fathers are taking on equal responsibility with the mothers in nurturing their children. Their role is diversifying into that of a friend, a playmate, a guide and agony aunt. Let’s celebrate all the men that are stepping up to become the new-age dads.

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A teacher’s right to disconnect

Anuradha C
An increase in work on both the domestic front and from school is already encroaching on personal time. The proliferation of computers and cell phones is compelling teachers to spend more time outside of school hours planning tech-enriched lessons while responding to emails and text messages whatever time of day it is. What is the outcome of this constant pressure to be available and on the job?

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A pluralistic approach to economics

Urvashi Nangia
Students opt to learn economics to understand man’s relationship with his livelihood needs. However, the conventional approach to teaching and learning economics restricts their understanding of real-life economies. Macroeconomics: An Introduction tells us why pluralism is important when learning economics.

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Recipes to cook your mistakes (and eat them too)

Aditi Mathur and Ratnesh Mathur
From our childhood we are taught to avoid mistakes, be afraid of committing them, to do only the right thing. But don’t they also say failure is the stepping stone to success? If we are embarrassed by our mistakes, we won’t learn from them. Here are a few ‘mistake recipes’ that will lead you to successful learning.

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What we learnt from Shreya

The talk about inclusion is all very well, but can a differently-abled child really ‘fit in’ in a normal school? Read this story about Shreya and how she spent a successful few years in a regular school, both improving her life and enriching those of the children around her.

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Parents as partners

Vidhya Nagaraj
The school and the child alone cannot go on the educational journey. This experience will be complete only when there is parental involvement. Read how this school in Bengaluru took different steps to include parents in their children’s learning and trained them to become co-teachers in the pandemic induced remote learning.

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Saumyaa Gupta
It is never too early to learn about money. Being able to effectively manage one’s finances is an important life skill. Financial literacy, however, is not consciously taught to children either at home or in school. Not training children in money management could lead to them being irresponsible with money in the future. While the words may sound daunting, financial literacy is not very difficult to impart. Here are a few ideas for you to try.

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Beaches and coastlines: what do you see?

Rachana Rao
Beaches are important ecosystems we need to preserve and protect for our own sakes and for the many life forms that are dependent of them. Like all things in life, it is only when we experience the beach that we will do what is necessary to protect it. So get out and take a walk on the beach, feel the cool breeze and smell the ocean.

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Celebrating languages

C Rama Devi
Learning does not happen only inside classrooms, in fact a lot of it happens outside. And that is why this school in Hyderabad plans year-long activities such as spell bees, drama, recitation, writing competitions to help their students learn different languages in a fun way.

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