Solving the heavy bag problem
Shubhangi Nagendra Raajput
Children carrying school bags that weigh a ton are a common sight. Is there a solution to this problem?
Shubhangi Nagendra Raajput
Children carrying school bags that weigh a ton are a common sight. Is there a solution to this problem?
Sadananda Meher
Which child doesn’t like stories? Use stories to enliven your classes.
Hemant Sharma
If you are looking for ways to equip your young students with time management, focus and organizatonal skills, then take a look at how the simple checklist can help you.
Fareen Wahid
Every teacher has her own way of keeping herself updated. While there is no one size fits all formula, teachers can learn from each other. Fareen shares how she keeps herself up to date.
Usha Raman
As teachers we have to stay on top of things — our subject, pedagogies, policies, work culture. We also have to understand and learn about our students, their mindsets, behaviour patterns. Every minute new knowledge is being generated, so no matter how much we try and catch up, there is always more to learn. How do teachers stay up-to-date?
Anjali Noronha
Teaching is perhaps one of the most challenging professions there is. The demands on the teacher are many — keep up with new knowledge, create innovative pedagogies, engage the student, stay abreast of the policies in education, tune in to the students and their needs, handle orders from school and answer questions from parents. While we are expecting all of this and more and asking a teacher to give us superior results, are we taking care of a teacher’s needs and giving her an environment that will help her grow? Given that professional development is not systematic and organized in the country, how can a teacher keep up?
Aruna Sankaranarayanan
What better way for teachers to grow than to read and read continuously. However, with teachers racing against the clock to keep up with their daily work, reading doesn’t necessarily figure in their list of priorities. So how about starting a book club with colleagues and carving out some time to read regularly?
Pradita Nambiar
In order to give the best to her students, this teacher realized that she needs to grow continuously as well. Apart from reading relevant books, attending online courses, and co-teaching, this author keeps a journal of her daily experiences, which she learns from.
Deepika Lakhera
After an eight year sabbatical, this teacher started working again and her principal played a big role in helping her upgrade and learn new skills to teach.
Anuja Venkataraman
As a newly trained teacher, this author believed that she had learnt all that there is about the profession. But as soon as she set foot into her first class, she realized that being a teacher is a lifelong learning journey.
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