A socially responsible teacher
S Prabhu
Is a teacher’s job only to teacher his/her subject? What are a teacher’s other responsibilities?
S Prabhu
Is a teacher’s job only to teacher his/her subject? What are a teacher’s other responsibilities?
Vaibhav Viswanath
Teachers are a stressed lot. And stress is the root cause of several physical and mental problems. Build yoga into your routine to calm your body and mind.
Seema Satti
If you are looking for ways to help your students improve their reading and writing skills, then simply follow these simple and easily implementable ideas.
Usha Raman
Teachers are human beings like the rest of us – they will have their ups and downs in how they deal with students. But, can they – during the school hours – create a safe and happy learning space for children?
Meenakshi Umesh
Work and education are inseparable. Play is the work of childhood and work is the play of childhood! The author delves deep into this taking us to her childhood as also explaining the approach at the school she is a part of. She also quotes Tagore, Tolstoy and Read to underscore the point.
Aruna Sankaranarayanan
Work education is defined as “purposeful and meaningful manual work” aims to help children imbibe “values and habits”. How do educators ensure that work education turns out to be wholesome education (ie head + heart + head for students?
Sheela Ramakrishnan
Where does work education stand: With reference to the NEP 2020? In context of the changes that AI is bringing to our lives? And, of course, in our classrooms today?
Nidhi Gaur
The author discusses a crafts-based curriculum, read work education, at a school in Maharashtra and explores the connection between work education and ananda. These experiences, she adds, in the long run, help the children live without fear.
Chintan Girish Modi
Ruskin Bond, a well-known name across generations, comes up with a book to build English skills. The book is a collection of short-stories, poems and novel extracts. Is the collection curated in a manner that is relevant and useful for today’s students? Do the activities suggested in the book help the reader learn English?
Geetha Iyer
This book by Katie Bagli talks about 23 tree species. It tells stories about these species and, of course, has information on them. It brings out, with simplicity, how trees are connected with other species – how they are ecosystems in themselves.
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