Month: March 2024

Five ways to support the wellbeing of school leaders

Radhika Zahedi
School leaders are expected to ensure that their schools run smoothly. They have to create a happy and safe environment for their teachers and students. They have to be able to be able to tackle the problems that come along. But who is to take care of the school leader?

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Working at micro to impact the macro level

Usha Raman
Whenever the Annual State of Education Report is released, it leaves us dismayed at the state of affairs. The most recent one released a few months ago in 2023 also shows that the learning levels of children leaves much to be desired. How do we use these findings to make a difference in our classrooms?

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Teacher evaluation: time to rethink and reform

Dr. Gopal Midha and Dr. Tanushree Rawat
Evaluating and assessing students is a big part of the teacher’s job. It helps her understand where her students are on the learning

graph and if and how she should change her teaching methodology. But what about the teacher herself? Who is to assess her performance? Are there systems in place to measure teacher effectiveness? Usually student performance is considered a reflection of the teacher’s performance, but is that all there is? How well a teacher knows and imparts her subject is only one aspect of measuring teacher effectiveness. Evaluating teachers and their teaching is a difficult and sensitive issue, but one that is also very important. While discussing the challenges of teacher evaluation, the cover stories in this issue also point to the tools one can use to make it fairer and more empathetic.

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Sporting horizons

Neerja Singh
Sports broadcasting has come a long way from the days of the radio. Today with games streaming online and the many features that digital technology offers them, fans are

more involved participants in sporting events. The digital world is changing the way fans and athletes interact, transforming the sporting world.

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C is for climate change

Sanjhee Gianchandani
Climate change is a real problem and its solution is in humankind working together to reduce its effects. It is not enough if a few committed people do their bit. So to train an entire generation to think and act green, we need to introduce our students to small but significant lifestyle changes. Here is a list of actions for a calendar year that together with your students you can put into action.

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TREAT – Theatre for Reinforcing Education And Teaching

Kalpana Sharma
When you learn language, unless you constantly use it, what you have learnt is easily forgotten. This is a problem that language teachers often encounter. We teach students grammar, vocabulary, sentence structures, but don’t provide them with opportunities to apply what they have learnt. This English teacher found a solution in using theatre to help children internalize what they learnt in their English language classes.

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