Move over bookworms, the ‘gadget-worms’ have arrived!

Anuradha C
E learning apps are being launched by the hour and some of the more popular ones even have top actors endorsing them. Digital learning is so ubiquitous now that you can no longer ignore it. But is digital learning as effective as traditional learning? Or does its interactive nature outdo traditional learning? Have you joined the debate yet?

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Beyond business as usual

Eric Ling
Can you imagine 16 and 17 year-olds running an international business? As part of their business and management course, students from The School of Business & Entrepreneurship in Ohio not only successfully run Shya Designs but also undertake projects to help local businesses with their marketing exercises.

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Not less than 90%

Ashwini Subodh Pathak
Marks are not everything, we all agree. And yet, when it comes to our children we don’t hide the fact that we want them to score the very best in their exams. But the world is changing, jobs are being offered based on skills and ability. Marks really aren’t everything.

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Fairly unfair

Anil Kumar Patnaik
Cheating in exams is common among students and while schools preach against this practice, it still continues. This teacher found a simple yet brilliant way to tell his students to refrain from such practices.

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The biology of equilibrium – 1

Vijayalakshmi Nandakumar
Biology is full of awe-inspiring events. How living organisms adapt themselves to suit their living conditions is one such. Ever wondered how the extremely saline sea water sustains life? How creatures live underwater? What kind of adaptations are necessary for organisms that live on land? Learn about homeostasis and how it works in different animals to help them survive in their habitats.

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Why math matters

Sweety Rastogi
Once upon a time, the teacher would come to class, read from the book, fill up the board and leave. There was no talking between the teacher and the students. Today, children are encouraged to ask questions and actively participate in the learning process. A teacher, therefore, should not only be an expert in her subject, but should also know how to present herself and handle challenging questions from the students.

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The significance of classroom communication

Payal Bedi
Being able to express ourselves and be understood is a basic human necessity. It gains supreme significance in the classroom, as communication—between the teacher and the student, between students— is at the very core of learning. So how do you cultivate a communication culture in your classroom? How do you create a learning environment that will help students achieve their best?

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Mirrored in words

Nimesh Ved
One word can have different meanings when used in different contexts. But have we ever wondered how not all these meanings seem appropriate? Like for instance, why does the ‘strength’ of a school mean the number of students in that school? How do words get the meanings associated with them? Perhaps it is time for us to think hard about the words we use and how we use them.

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Teachers as learners

Neeraja Raghavan
If you like reading stories, then you are going to enjoy reading the monograph that Neeraja Raghavan discusses in her column. Find out how a group of adults, by playing with a random set of objects, ends up “inventing” the definitions of volume and weight. Does this research with a group of adults tell us teachers something?

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Health & PE can be a game changer in schools

Rishikesh B. S.
Health and Physical Education can become a game changer in schools if it is viewed as part of a comprehensive education model. Its inter-disciplinary nature provides many ideas on what can be done to integrate the theme into the regular curriculum. Its implementation can be made more robust and for this teachers need to be given the flexibility and autonomy to rejig the syllabus to suit their requirements.

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