Sharing the lives of children

B. Ramdas and Rama Sastry
Every classroom, every school, whether we like to admit it or not, reflects, in effect, a microcosm of the society we will have. Teachers and school administrators always forget this. Our schools have become such disjointed arms of society that school administrators feel that their roles are different from what the child has to do when she steps out of school.

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Listening to the other

Thejaswi Shivanand
Selvi is a nine-year-old attending a middle school in a town in south India. She has been the target of attention from some of her classmates ever since she joined this school late last year, and this attention has resulted in her being bullied and excluded from her peer group.

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Caring for the natural world

Roshen Dalal
If we can create a culture of non-violence today, beginning with the classroom, we will move towards a better future. There may be many ways to do this, but here are two possible suggestions. Before focusing on people, religions, and different groups, we can begin with plants, insects and animals.

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The culture of community building

For many years I have been connected to the Waldorf school movement in India. Rudolph Steiner, the inspiration behind Waldorf schools, speaks of education as a ‘social, cultural deed’. The expression of any culture is reflected in its art forms – music, speech and drama, the visual arts of painting, drawing and sculpture – these art forms serve to capture the essence of a culture – whether it is a legacy of religion history or the geographic aspects of life.

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Building a better tomorrow

Gita Krenek
What is culture? Culture can mean many different things to different people. To clarify my own mind, I imagined I was trying to describe the ‘culture’ (how we are, our way of life) of my own country to a foreigner.

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Both top down and bottom-up!

Ritika Chawla
Monday morning 8 a.m: As I walk towards WCS, a charter school in Philadelphia, Pennslyvania, USA, I see the friendly face of the school leader standing at the gate and shaking hands with every student as they enter and wishing them good morning.

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Breaking the silence

Anjali Monteiro
As I sit down to write this, we are in the midst of a social media storm, which started with a #MeToo campaign, that sought testimonies from survivors across the globe, in order to establish the ubiquity of sexual harassment and rape.

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Turning the lens on society

Sunanda Ali
‘Culture’ is a word which means so many different things; it can mean ‘values’, ‘beliefs’, ‘habits’, ‘conventions’. It can mean the bedrock on which a society is founded, the often unwritten ‘rules’ we live by, the lens through which a country sees itself, the collective will of a particular people…

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Birthday parties, train journeys and vacations

Geetha Durairajan
Many of you who read the title of this article will probably wonder what the link is between these three phrases. “Write an essay / a paragraph on ‘how you spent your birthday’ / ‘your first train journey’ / how you spent your vacation’ are the three most common topics that we use in our English composition classes.

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Cultivating a secular spirit

The school as we know it today is a structured way of learning about the world, in which many of our traditional ways of life and cultural values, particularly those that carry a stamp of religion, are sidelined. India is a secular country, the word secular here implying rising above religion rather than a lack of religiousness.

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