Growth, development and the Indian economy

VN Balasubramanyam

India’s growth is often compared with that of China’s by virtue of the fact that they are both large countries with large populations. But how right is it to compare the two? Beyond the already mentioned criteria how similar are the two countries? And how does India actually fare against China?

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The underbelly of industrialization

Sukanya Das

Industrialization is inevitable if a country aspires to grow and develop. While industrialization promotes growth it also engenders environmental harm. What measures should a government therefore be taking to avoid serious damage to the environment while ensuring that industries continue to support a country’s economy?

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In the balance: tackling the tradeoffs

Abhijit Banerji

Unlike it was once believed, a consumer is not always rational in the purchases that he/she makes. But if the markets have to thrive then they have to understand the way an average consumer’s mind works.

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(Un)learning economics

Alex M Thomas

Economics textbooks teach students only the now popular and mainstream economics otherwise called ‘neo classical economics’. But studying this will be a uni-dimensional way of understanding the subject especially when several noted economists have charted out different ways of understanding the subject. So to understand what economics is we have to unlearn what we learnt as economics and explore the subject in several different ways.

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Take a break!

With the summer holidays looming ahead, it is time teachers took that long awaited break to do the things they want to do but could not. Some of them can bring out their books to read, others can spend time watching their favourite movies. A relaxed atmosphere will help trigger fresh ideas that teachers can take back to their classrooms once the vacation is over.

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