Geometric construction: the point of it all
Sneha Titus
Geometric constructions are not as easy to do as they appear. Here are a few suggestions to make them comprehensive to children.
Sneha Titus
Geometric constructions are not as easy to do as they appear. Here are a few suggestions to make them comprehensive to children.
Sushree Mishra
Why? Any child’s favourite question. And stories are any child’s favourite means of entertainment. Imagine what you can achieve when you combine the two. Create your own ‘pourquoi’ tales and hook children to learning.
Tapaswini Sahu
Sometimes learning becomes a lot more easy when you look at a concept as a whole and realize the relationship of the parts with the whole. Learn how concept mapping can will help you in the classroom.
Joanita Pinto
Children are unpredictable. A group of children from a small government school in a Mumbai slum took Joanita by complete surprise with their confidence and knowledge.
Ramgopal K
The Open Classroom is a book that fills a void in the Indian publishing industry. Reflective writing by Indian teachers is almost non-existent. In The Open Classroom, K T Margaret, inspires teachers old and new by dipping into her own three decade experience of teaching.
Manaswini Sridhar
A child’s school experience is not complete without the involvement of the parent. Read and see how you can get parents to take a more active part in their child’s education.
Chintan Girish Modi
A teacher narrates an anecdote and tells readers how a similar experience of another teacher-author helped him realize that things will take time to change. Want to know what this teacher’s experience was? Read the article to find out.
Jean Baptiste Huyn
Which child doesn’t love to play? Just like you can teach children through stories, games too can be used by a teacher to further a child’s knowledge.
Yasmin Jayathirtha
A pH scale is something that a child learning science is supposed to know. But does he/she really know what a pH scale is? Who invented it and why? This month’s Let’s experiment brings you an experiment to help you understand the pH scale.
Neerja Singh
The most harrowing time for any school is the end of the day when it is time for children to go home. If we keep a few simple things in mind, this stressful time can be made a lot less harried.
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