Words from my world

Sheela Ramakrishnan If a child can apply what he/she has learnt in daily life, then we can claim that teaching or educating has been effective. In that sense we can say that all learning is from life for life. The backbone of all human interaction is language; language is also the link to comprehending and transferring knowledge from the abstract to the concrete. Take away language from our learning process and we are left with a big void. Be it math, science, social studies, physical education, craft, music or any branch of knowledge, the common thread that binds them together is language. To use an easy analogy, if each knowledge discipline is a pearl bead, then the string that keeps it together so that it can become a necklace is language. Without language, the bead cannot completely string itself . No wonder then, that inadequate language development can affect comprehension of a word problem in math, dilute understanding of a scientific concept, and cause serious gaps in the learning of social studies. This may not be because the child is not capable of understanding the concepts, but because the child does not have adequate language skills to comprehend or express ideas. The importance of language learning is therefore not just the responsibility of the language teacher, but of all teachers. Providing adequate opportunities to express ideas and using grade level appropriate vocabulary are vital aspects that are often ignored. The level of language and vocabulary used in the subject course materials are sometimes vastly different and at variance. Textbooks do not take into account this difference in vocabulary. Therefore, the only solution is to build strong language skills in the children. Since learning is from life for life, language learning ought to be natural and related to the child’s environment. The more contextualised the learning is to the child’s surroundings and related to the familiar, the more meaningful it becomes. An educator ideally ought to focus on ways to use the environment effectively as a stimulus for language learning. Given below is a template of a tried out approach, “Language Around Me” using the environment as a stimulus leading to language development. The steps are based on accepted pedagogical rationales as follows: Known to unknown Simple to complex Listening, speaking, reading writing sequence in language learning. Multi sensorial approach Multiple Intelligence theory Varied learning styles of learners The materials needed are simple and easily available: Chart paper sheets or computers, if available Thick marker pens

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Get it from the horse’s mouth

Leena Anil Teaching students to speak in a language which is not their own is a challenge, be it one or fifty students. The analogy that comes to mind is of learning the cuisine of another country. Take for example, French cuisine. If you are adventurous and want to bake your own bread, you might want to try baking a baguette. The battle with the baguette begins with pronouncing the word correctly, collecting the right ingredients and of course painstakingly following each step in bread making, so that the end product has a close resemblance to the French original. Most importantly, one has to repeat the process several times to come close to achieving perfection. Likewise, when teaching students to speak English, one has to follow a very systematic process of understanding how second language learning happens, the problems faced by learners and the solutions that can be worked out so that at the end of a “Course in Spoken English,” one can speak it with near native-speaker competence, though not literally with a native-speaker accent. As with learning any skill, one cannot over emphasise the importance of practice. Like cooking, cycling and swimming, speaking is also a skill, one of the four skills of language, the other three being listening, reading and writing. A skill is learnt through practice, and through application in daily life of what is learnt in the classroom. After you have baked your baguette, the real test will come when you serve it and people start eating it. Likewise, after you have completed your course in spoken English, the real test is when you open your mouth to speak. According to Penny Ur, “Of all the four skills, speaking seems intuitively the most important: people who know a language are referred to as “speakers” of that language.” She goes on to describe the characteristics of a successful speaking activity as one where: learners talk a lot as against teacher talk. participation is even, where classroom discussion is not dominated by talkative students but where all get a chance to speak. motivation is high among learners who are eager to speak because of an interest in the topic and because they have something new to contribute. language is of an acceptable level of accuracy, with learners expressing themselves in relevant and easily comprehensible ways. The author is an English teaching entrepreneur. She can be reached at linaneel@gmail.com. This is an article for subscribers only. You may request the complete article by

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Learning to read: recognizing the challenges

Gurveen Kaur Teaching reading to children from print-rich backgrounds as well as print-deprived backgrounds has made me realise that there are important unnoticed and overlooked gaps that must be filled in for the second set of children. Any child who comes from a family of readers and plenty of books, has a different introduction to books from a child who comes from a print-deprived background. Children from a family of readers see adults absorbed in reading and sense their irritation/impatience at being disturbed whilst reading. They wonder what keeps the adults so engrossed and soon begin to imitate the adults. The children whose parents read to them soon associate books with fascinating stories, wonderful adventures and they are keen to explore the wonderful worlds that books open up for them. They begin to imitate the postures and movements of adults much before they actually read. They soon figure out the right way to hold a book, not just by looking at the pictures! Over a period of time, even before they actually begin to read, these children catch on that we generally read from left to right, begin at the top of the page and read to the bottom of the page. They pick this up sitting in the lap of the adult/parent reading aloud to them. Their early exposure to books is a warm, pleasant experience/memory because of which they want to read. These children are motivated to learn as they see reading as an adult skill that they lack. Children from print-deprived homes lack this initial positive introduction (that children from print-rich families soak in) before they are actually taught to read. The children from print-deprived homes tend to think of books as a purely school-related activity and rarely as a pleasurable activity. When we overlook this fact and rush into teaching reading without spending enough time building a motivation for reading, we lose more time than we gain. We need to build a positive exposure and attitude to reading and books before hurrying into teaching the alphabet. At a minimum, they need access to colourful picture books and adults who will read out fascinating stories to them. The author is with Centre for Learning, Hyderabad. She can be reached at kaur.gurveen@gmail.com. This is an article for subscribers only. You may request the complete article by writing to us at editorial@gamart.in.

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Spinning stories

Chintan Girish Modi When a colleague of mine introduced me to a little story book called Mr Forgetful, I read it with great delight and amusement. It seemed like the perfect thing to share with children, both for its simplicity and its capacity to induce laughter. On my second reading, I was struck by the idea that one story could inspire many different stories. This led to a project for students of Standard VI at Muktangan as part of their continuous and comprehensive evaluation. Here are some pointers to help you try out the same project in your school. Read out the title of the story to your students – Mr Forgetful. Ask them to think about the title and guess what the story might be about. The objective is to get them to reflect on how a title can often throw light on the plot. Elicit answers and put them up on the blackboard in the form of a mind map. If something sounds silly or weird, do not reject it outright. You have offered students an opportunity to use their imagination, and they might want to let it run wild as they predict what lies in store. It is often great fun to hear the amazing range of things students come up with. There is a lot of scope for laughter in the classroom as they share their thoughts. And there’s just so much more material for stories of different kinds to take shape! Having sparked off your students’ curiosity, read out the story slowly and carefully, pausing wherever required, modulating your voice in keeping with the emotions being expressed. This will help them appreciate the nuances of the story, the little details that create impact and hold them captive as listeners. Do not explain anything at this point. As a teacher, this is a difficult urge to resist – the urge to explain, for fear that the student may not understand. And in the bargain, we sometimes over-explain, and foreclose the possibility of any surprise. It’s true that not all students may challenge themselves to listen between the lines, make meaning on their own, and trust their individual interpretations. However, there is no harm in beginning to challenge everyone a little bit so that they are nudged outside their comfort zone to learn. Just read with expression. Questions, if any, can be answered later. Ask them to listen carefully, to not get stuck if they don’t understand the meaning of a particular

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“Songs? No way!”

S Upendran I began using songs in the English language classroom over twenty years ago, and I have found them useful not only in teaching the four skills of language – reading, writing, speaking and listening – but also grammar; a subject that is often loathed by both students and teachers alike! I must confess that the idea of using songs was not something that suddenly dawned on me. Though as a child growing up, I did learn a lot of English by listening to songs, I never considered using them as a tool that could be used in the classroom. My curiosity was aroused when I came across a few articles advocating the use of songs. The articles seemed to suggest that songs were a fun way of learning English, and that students, whether they were adults or children, always welcomed them with a great deal of enthusiasm. The first time I used songs was when the university I was working in ran a proficiency level course for students who had completed their Bachelor’s degree and who desired to hone their communication skills. The 30 or so students who had been admitted to the “Certificate of Proficiency in Oral Communication” course were a mixed lot – some whose medium of instruction in school and college had been English, and others who had been taught through the medium of English only when they had joined the undergraduate programme. Armed with the ideas that I had gathered from the various articles I had read, I selected a song, which I thought the students would like (Air Supply’s “Every Woman in the World”) and stepped into the classroom. The articles that I had read were unanimous in their opinion that students generally welcomed songs with unbridled enthusiasm. What I had failed to take into account was the fact that the authors of these articles were all teaching English in Europe. I hadn’t come across any article written by someone who was teaching in a Third World country. Perhaps if I had, I would have been prepared for the ‘shock and awe’ that the students had in store for me. The author teaches at The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad. He can be reached at supendran@gmail.com. This is an article for subscribers only. You may request the complete article by writing to us at editorial@gamart.in.

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A need to focus on the basics

Usha Chandrasekaran In one of my postgraduate classes in English I came across Kayalvizhi who was zealous about learning. She displayed a remarkable understanding of English Literature. With all her flair for fresh thinking, Kayalvizhi stammered a lot while speaking; her writing was intermittent and jerky. During one of our ever-lengthening seminar sessions I learnt that Kayalvizhi reproduced facts collected from her classmates as she was not able to read lengthy material independently. Her remarkable grasp of the unknown and the new and her quest for knowledge kept her on par with the benchmarks we set for assessing performance for college classes. When I probed into her learning history she told me that she had come up to this level by listening to what was taught in the class. She must be an aural learner who receives maximum information through listening. I looked at her with reverence. She added saying that even today she cannot read a novel or short story as the print marks on the page are continuous. She is comfortable if written materials are presented with sub-heads or in short graphs or in bullet forms. Though I am an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher, I did not forget to find out how she reads texts in her mother tongue, Tamil. It was the same story again. She could reproduce facts from a text when I read out the material. It was another story when a team of teachers tried to goad her into reading a page of information written in the novelistic tradition. She is pursuing her M.Phil in English, wherein she has to process a number of texts on her own. She is able to manage because her comprehension is ahead of her text processing skills. What we need to think about in this context is that Kayalvizhi is only one of the unknown and unsung warriors who are fighting their way through the portals of higher education in spite of their learning difficulties related to language processing. What is lamentable about her situation is that she did not have anyone at the high school to tell her that if she had problems with reading continuous narrative discourse, then she could opt for subjects that are taxonomic like botany, or subjects that involve deciphering symbols and equations like chemistry. There are problems in making such decisions also. One had to find out if she had had the aptitude for subjects that involve deciphering symbols. ESL teachers in the high

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Homework that really works

Mini Joseph “I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.” – Lily Tomlin This is exactly the kind of teacher I would appreciate because he or she would enable the student to think creatively and critically beyond the textbook, in other words ‘beyond chalk and talk.’ It is a fact that homework is a vital link between home and school. Teachers give homework to help children understand and review class work. Parents find out what their child is studying by being involved in homework. However, it is unfortunate that the dividing line between a child’s involvement in the homework and the adult’s involvement in the child’s homework is fast disappearing. Today, as in the last three decades or so, in most cases it is the adult who helps a child out with almost 80 per cent of his/her homework. This is true in developing Asian countries such as in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Thailand, China, Malaysia and others. Homework help comes in many forms. Finding the right kind of help will depend on one’s child’s needs, schedule and the budget . However, in most Asian countries, neither the child nor the parents have the right to choose the homework appropriate for the child. Despite the fact that educationists are leaning towards progressive education, where the child’s needs are the focus, parents, teachers and children are in a dilemma when it comes to choosing the right kind of English homework. Actually, there is no ideal kind of English homework. All written and reference work done at home is absolutely okay if it suits the child’s needs. Nevertheless, I will provide a few suggestions. The author is a teacher of English at St. Xavier’s Collegiate School, Kolkata. She can be reached at minijosep@rediffmail.com. This is an article for subscribers only. You may request the complete article by writing to us at editorial@gamart.in.

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The argumentative student

Kamakshi Balasubramanian What is an argument? When we hear the word ‘argument’, we think of heated debates, courtroom battles between highly articulate and clever lawyers, and just plain noisy disagreements between people who hold different opinions and viewpoints. There’s more to an argument than that. When we present an argument, we advance facts and reasons intended to challenge or disagree with a viewpoint that differs from the one we hold. In this way, a sound argument is different from a dispute or a conflict. If anything, valid arguments, when presented clearly, help find resolutions to conflicts. How do we develop an argument? In many real life situations, whether it is in solving community issues or explaining political developments, we are called upon to justify our belief, conviction, or even an opinion. To establish our position on something, we need to justify it. This justification is achieved mainly through effective use of evidence. Evidence is often factual, but it is more frequently based on good, sound logical reasoning. Anyone who puts forward an argument is ready and willing to acknowledge that other viewpoints and positions on issues are not only possible but worthy of consideration. Your argument at best underlines the superiority of your reasoning and evidence without dismissing or ridiculing others. The author is an educator and writer with significant experience teaching at secondary and tertiary levels. This is an article for subscribers only. You may request the complete article by writing to us at editorial@gamart.in.

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The innovative instructor

Ratna Rao The teaching and learning process needs at least three domains – the teacher, the learner and the curriculum. This process can either be teacher-centred or learner-centred. Child-centred learning is not as easy as it is made out to be. One needs to pursue methods and strategies to develop creativity and thinking skills, such as analysing, synthesising, critical, logical, problem solving, decision-making, etc., in a child. Benjamin Bloom (an American educational psychologist) has proposed a set of skills, which are now famously known as Bloom’s taxonomy. The simple meaning of taxonomy is classification of phenomena or ideas. Bloom’s taxonomy, visually represented by a pyramid, tries to identify, define, classify and organise a comprehensive range of educational objectives into a compact and meaningful structure. The skills towards the lower and broader end of the pyramid are called Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS) and the three skills at the peak of the pyramid are called the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). It is a multilayered model of classifying thinking according to six cognitive levels of complexity. The highest three levels are: analysing, evaluating and creating. The taxonomy is based on the staircase model, meaning that to climb up to the higher levels one has to first master the lower levels. The lower levels being – remembering, understanding and applying. The first skill in HOTS as proposed by Bloom is Analysing. Analysing means to break down a problem into smaller parts and examine each part carefully. It may also help in interpreting and looking at the given text (data) in a different way. Evaluation is to make a judgment on the basis of the data or text provided. The development of this skill may lead to judging the value of a given data for a specific purpose. The sixth and final domain is Creating. This skill is highest in the hierarchy because to create or make something new one needs to involve all the other skills. The author is a teacher at the Calorx Teachers’ University. She can be reached at ratnar_p@yahoo.co.in. This is an article for subscribers only. You may request the complete article by writing to us at editorial@gamart.in.

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Keep it simple, silly!

Usha Raman This headline is a corrupted version of the popular rule – Keep it simple, stupid*. It is changed here because I did not want to run the risk of offending readers right from the first line! This is a basic rule of good writing that we tend to disregard in practice. So, in the composition classroom, the myths take over and lead us to create overweight, obtuse pieces of text that confuse the reader and tire our already overworked brains. We’ve seen the extreme results of this learned tendency to “obfuscation” in government documents, legal notices, application forms. Its critics call it “gobbledygook” – confusing, complicated phrases that don’t seem to mean anything. Most of us have puzzled over such texts and torn our hair in frustration as we struggled to deal with them. So why do we still subscribe to the idea that good writing is about big words, flowery sentences, and phrases that can’t be understood without referring to a dictionary? And worse still, why do we inflict the same expectations on our students? Of course, there is room for complex language, and there are readers who delight in it. But that belongs in the realm of literature, where the reader may take pleasure in mulling over the words and sentences and puzzling over different interpretations. What we are talking about here is the kind of language that is used to communicate, where the interest is in getting the message across. If we expect readers to engage with our message, stick with it long enough to understand it, and process it efficiently so that they can use it in some way, then we must use language as a tool to clarify and explain, rather than as a decoration for our thoughts. So if we want answers to questions, the questions must be worded so clearly that they fetch the answers we are looking for. If we want instructions to be followed, we need to construct those instructions in a way that there is no doubt in the readers’ mind about what has to be done. If we want an explanation to be understood and accepted, it must be crafted in such a way that only one meaning is possible – the one you intend. This is an article for subscribers only. You may request the complete article by writing to us at editorial@gamart.in.

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