When citizens get involved in science

Suhirtha Muhil
Rather than theory classes and lectures on climate change, children will learn more about the issue when they are personally involved in documenting the problem. Citizen science is a perfect tool that schools and teachers can use to get students to observe tree phenology over a decade and understand the impact of climate change.

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Connections and flows: teaching beyond silos

Sunayana Ganguly
Climate education in India is taught in a silo belying its connections with other disciplines. Also there are very few climate education resources specific to India that teachers can use. If we intend knowledge of to translate into action, then teachers from different disciplines have to work together and build pedagogies and put together resources that can be used to teach climate change. The Climate Educator Network, an initiative by Azim Premji University and Initiative for Climate Action, is an effort in this direction.

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Naming the elephant in the room or even parts of it

Does climate change seem like too big a problem for you as an individual to tackle? Is this something that governments alone should be acting on? While it may not seem like much, changing our everyday behaviour and living more consciously will most certainly make a difference.

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Climate on the line

Tushita Rawat
If children have to understand and act on climate change, we need to provide them with connections to their immediate environment. They have to be able to see and experience climate change in their daily lives to want to do something about it. Here are a few suggestions.

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A lesson from the coast

Chintan Girish Modi
Yuvan Aves is a naturalist and educator whose work involves learning about biodiversity and spreading awareness about it. In his book Shorewalk, the young author aims to show us that beaches can be more than just spaces for our entertainment, they can become places to learn about the rich biodiversity that lives on beaches. An interview.

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Information and inspiration

Usha Raman
Climate change is not a fad; it is a reality that is staring us in our faces. We talk about it, attend seminars on it, take out marches to protest against it, and then we go back to our high consuming lifestyles. As the biggest threat to human survival, climate change is something that we have to respond to, both as a society and as individuals, consistently and regularly like a ritual.

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What is climate change governance?

Neha and R R Rashmi
The Earth’s temperature has risen by 1.1°C since pre-industrial times. While this rise may appear miniscule, the world is already feeling its effects. A solution to this problem requires cooperation and coordination between a variety of players both at the global and national level. How has the world responded to the climate challenge and what direction can we take moving into the future?

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How far has your food travelled?

Seema Agarwal
We no longer need visiting relatives to bring us Washington apples or Californian almonds. Living in India, we can consume dates from Saudi Arabia and kiwis from New Zealand. We get canned pineapples and frozen peas throughout the year. But is this really progress? With our mindless consumption and growing needs, we are only burning a hole in the Earth’s atmosphere, making it less inhabitable.

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Nurturing instead of building?

Geetha Iyer
Climate change is very obvious to anyone who is willing to observe. We also know that unless we are willing to change the way we live, we are only heading towards annihilation. Changing human behaviour is easier at a young age and that is why we must introduce climate change in the classroom. A few suggestions on how teachers can introduce the topic to students.

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