“Opening” up a school library

Anuradha Pachanooru
Discover the excitement, enthusiasm and learnings that a library can pass on when used properly. This is the story of the transformation of a school library from a neglected storeroom to an active and vibrant learning space.

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The importance of untruth

Prakash Iyer
As teachers we have not done our job if our students simply take our word and believe something to be true. We need to train our students to imagine, hypothesize, predict and then arrive at a conclusion about any piece of knowledge before assimilating it to be true or not. Then we have done our job as teachers.

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Learning about pandemics while living through one

Shruti Singhal
Pandemics are no longer something we used to read about in history. We are living through one right now and perhaps that is why it is also the best time to learn more about them and from them. These are difficult, exhausting and trying times but learning more about pandemics while experiencing one needn’t be hopeless and dark. Here are a few ways of how you can make the subject interesting and worthwhile for your students.

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Flight or fight?

Devika Nadig
Another journey, another visit to a holy shrine, another adventure. This time the author is in the state of Gujarat, visiting a school in a Reliance township to train teachers in the best strategies for teaching mathematics. What does she encounter on this trip?

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Building a ‘valu(e)’able generation

C Rama Devi
We want our children to be the best in academics, sports, arts and every other facet of life. While we do everything we can to help our children achieve their goals, we often forget to give them one very important thing that will help them in life-values. Here are a few practices and ideas that the author’s school follows to ensure that the students here grow up knowing their values.

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Adversity is the best teacher

Anuradha C
The last year and a half has been extremely tough going for the adults with loss of jobs, skewed work-life balance, pay cuts and most of all loss of lives. But we should know that it has not been any less anxious for our children. Their lives have been turned upside down and yet every challenge brings with it an opportunity. What lessons are our children learning through this pandemic?

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Familiar but small

Aditya Rao
If you went back to visit your school, several years after you have passed out, besides the obvious stirring up of memories, what would your feelings be? As an adult, would the gates you entered through every morning, the classroom you sat in, the blackboard you copied notes from seem different? Find out what this author experienced when he visited his old school.

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Music and our minds

Brendan MacCarthaigh
Does music play a role in our lives as teachers? Can it aid us in our teaching practice? Will it help if we draw our students into a world of music as well? If you are an amateur musician and a teacher like the author or simply someone who appreciates music, the author invites you to reflect on the above questions.

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