Question of the Week

B R Sitaram

If you figured out what time of the day is right for having dinner, now find out what is the most important cause of a stomach ulcer.

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Disappearing wetlands – paddy fields

Geetha Iyer

When you think of a paddy field, you only think of agriculture, but did you know that it is a temporary/permanent home to several species of flora and fauna? Because they sustain biodiversity, paddy fields although a result of human activities are also counted as wetlands and ironically today human activities are causing paddy fields to disappear threatening the many birds and plants that are dependent on this ecosystem.

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Trading on name and reputation

CIPAM team

A trademark protects a company’s identity represented by its logo, slogan or symbol. It is therefore extremely important for a company. What are the other things that a trademark can protect? Did you know that companies could register smell, sound and shape as their trademark? How long can a company keep a trademark? Enter the fascinating world of trademarks through these really fun and exciting games.

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The coaching centre conundrum

Ripu Daman Gupta

The demand for coaching centres is so high that every second lane we turn into has a centre proclaiming its success. But how necessary are these learning centres? With students unable to juggle both the school and the coaching centre, are there ways to reduce our dependence on these centres, while giving our students the help they need to get into institutes of higher education?

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English medium schools: pragmatic or problematic?

Ramanujam Parthasarathy

It is not the first and certainly won’t be the last time that a state government announces its decision to enforce English as the medium of instruction in state-run schools. With the Andhra Pradesh government the latest to join the English medium bandwagon in order to attract parents and children, we must realize that any new measure undertaken to boost public education will have the necessary effect only when the government pulls up its socks to run its schools more efficiently.

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Teaching for deep learning

Pramila Kudva

A teacher is considered successful if she can match her teaching style with the learning style of the student. And this she can do if she is able to gauge her students’ reaction to the different methodologies she is using. So how can a teacher see whether her teaching strategies are connecting with her students? Read the article to find out how.

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What’s left in memory

Mehak Siddiqui

From cave walls to instagram; stone to digital modes man has come a long way in how he keeps and stores data. As interesting and varied are the means in which we record and document our lives, there are as many learning opportunities to be had with regard to record keeping whether it be in English, science, social science or the arts.

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Who owns learning?

Meena Sriram

A silent and passive class listening to a teacher drone is no longer the way to teach and learn. It is time that teachers devise strategies that will help children own learning. When children learn by and for themselves the quality of learning that takes place is deep and extremely satisfying.

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Talking your way out of problems

Shivani Mathur Gaiha and Spandana Kommuri

If you have students in class who don’t turn in their homework, answer questions or appear to be listening but actually are not, would you label them lazy and admonish them? Don’t. Before you judge such students talk to them and figure out the reasons for their listless behaviour so that you can help them.

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