The story weavers

Manaswini Sridhar

Creative writing classes can sometimes turn out to be very boring. How can we make creative writing fun and exciting for the students? Here is a resource that gives you interesting assignment ideas to help children along in their creative writing.

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Don't always go by the book!

Nimesh Ved

The textbook is still the ultimate authority for some teachers and students. When there is so much of trust placed upon the textbook you’d believe them to be error-free and passing on the right knowledge. But with some textbooks that doesn’t seem to be the case. It is important that we debate and discuss how textbooks are written and how we can improve them.

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Don’t always go by the book!

Nimesh Ved

The textbook is still the ultimate authority for some teachers and students. When there is so much of trust placed upon the textbook you’d believe them to be error-free and passing on the right knowledge. But with some textbooks that doesn’t seem to be the case. It is important that we debate and discuss how textbooks are written and how we can improve them.

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Gearing up to teach

Gowri Iyer

You are said to be a good teacher if you are also a good learner. Here are seven techniques that will help you become good learners and therefore good teachers.

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Staying cool during exams

Smaranika Pattnaik

Exam time is no doubt a stressful time for both the students and the teachers and parents. But this is also the time when it is necessary that everybody involved stays calm in order to be better prepared.

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Gap year – lost in translation

Kiran Gandhi

Taking a year off to decide on a future for oneself makes perfect sense but is there any sense in parents encouraging their children to take the year off to train to write exams to get into top engineering and medical colleges? If a student is taking time off in life let it be to find a direction for himself and not for any other reason.

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