What makes a learner?

Sumana Kasturi

There is a lot of responsibility that we place on our teachers today and a lot of things that we expect them to be and do. So perhaps a simpler way of answering the question–what makes a teacher?–is to answer the question–what makes a learner? Here is a list of qualities a mother identifies for her children and students everywhere to have in order to be good learners.

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Let’s cook up the perfect teacher!

Sudharani Uppala

Flexibility, communication, humour, compassion, imagination– a good teacher should possess all these qualities and should work with both her head and her heart in order to teacher the “whole” child.

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On being a teacher

Alok Mathur

What makes a teacher depends largely on the relationship that a teacher builds with his students. A relationship that leads the teacher to observe his students, identify their needs, understand them and work with them to help them emerge as good human beings; a relationship that is reciprocal in which a teacher gains as much as he gives.

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A space for ‘continuing learning’

Life is all about learning and learning continuously, keeping our minds open so that new ideas flow in. Does our education system allow this to happen and are our teachers ready to continually learn even if they are in the teaching profession? How do they re-energise themselves and how can they keep track of new developments in their profession?

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Sita’s Solitaire

S N Gananath
Have you, as a teacher, come across the game called ‘Vamanaguntalu’ in Telugu,’ Pallankuzhi’ in Tamil or ‘Aluguli mane’ in Kannada? You may have even played it in your younger days. It is time now for you to go back to that game because it is absorbing and it has interesting mathematical patterns that you could use in your classroom to explain some basics in math. This article explores the game and how children can benefit in different ways.

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