Bad news is the new good
In this facilitator’s account of how a child should be guided to thinking for himself or herself, there are a lot of takeaways for the astute teacher. Read up the article to know more.
In this facilitator’s account of how a child should be guided to thinking for himself or herself, there are a lot of takeaways for the astute teacher. Read up the article to know more.
Is story telling a dying art? Are children not listening to any stories now because of the growth of nuclear families? These questions can be happily buried because a parent tells you how one can become a great story listener— that is because children can turn out to be the best story tellers.
Aditi and Ratnesh
A simple article on how learning should be available to children in the future — from and for their life.
A classroom session on any subject can spring to life, if the teacher/facilitator also takes care to come prepared with ideas that are out of the box. This works both ways because both children and the teacher feel hugely satisfied at the end of the session. This article has a few examples where such ideas were implemented.
Aditi and Ratnesh
If, as a teacher, you are weary of doing the same thing everyday, and are looking for ideas to pep up your class, look no further. Here are 24 ways to teach , review or play and have some good fun, all the time imparting learning to the students.
Mary and Ratnesh
Homework for children is a bugbear. Teachers too may have disliked doing homework when they were students. So, here it is, homework or rather, fun work, as decided by the children themselves.
Children love doing things all by themselves and generally do not welcome intrusion. However, when they confront a problem, they can be seen running to their teachers or parents for solutions. But, when guided gently to think, they have their own solutions. Here is an interesting article to get children to do things by themselves.
Thinksheets are akin to worksheets, but there is a small difference. Children are asked to find their own answers to the questions given in the sheet. Here is an example.
Mahak Katyal
Adverbs form a significant part of language teaching. Here is an innovative attempt to teach the concept to class V students using board games .
Shradha Patnaik
Here are some activities for children to keep them occupied during holidays.
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