Open up. Live a little.
Aditi Parekh
Do you learn only when you go to school? At 16, this author dropped out of school because she believes that she has a lot more to learn from life. Read her experience so far.
Aditi Parekh
Do you learn only when you go to school? At 16, this author dropped out of school because she believes that she has a lot more to learn from life. Read her experience so far.
S Upendran
Are you a ‘uniquely proficient’, ‘least best’ student who takes ‘remedial courses’? Find out the politically correct terms for ‘fail’, ‘stupid’, ‘lazy’ and more.
Chintan Girish Modi
When a child fails, to a large extent he ends up getting blamed for the failure. Sometimes fingers are pointed at the teacher. An already upset child is labelled ‘lazy’, ‘dumb’, ‘stupid’ and we succeed in demoralizing the child. Instead have we ever asked, ‘Why is the child not interested?’, ‘How differently can I teach to create an interest?’, ‘How can I encourage my child and commend him for what he can do?’ As parents, teachers, and schools who have an interest in the child we have to take equal responsibility and help a child overcome his failure.
A first time teacher, this author shares her excitements and problems with the readers.
Sometimes the routine pattern of our lives does not allow us to see things in a different perspective. Teachers, particularly, need to pull back and take a break. This Teachers’ Day, our contributors explore the idea and the benefits of a getaway.
Sinny Mole
A math class always has scope for testing new ideas and activities. In this article, the author explains how children have difficulties in understanding the concepts of perimetre and area. Perimetre and area are often taught in isolation which does not encourage children to create connections. Teachers must therefore teach these concepts together and should provide different activities so that the children can construct their own understanding.
Aditi Mathur and Ratnesh Mathur
How can teachers help children to differentiate between good and bad habits? What happens when teachers constantly correct a child’s habit? How does the child feel? This article calls upon teachers to think about their own belief systems and see if they can consciously try to change their own beliefs.
Aarti Mohan
What is it about teachers that they are not able to switch off? Whether it is school time or vacation time, at every opportunity, a teacher is always thinking about her students and what she can do to help them learn. Therefore, no moment seems right to take a break. This article exhorts teachers to take a moment for themselves so that they are back in the classroom refreshed and inspired.
Manaswini Sridhar
Keeping a check on children is a major part of a teacher’s work. But a growing trend and one that is becoming a tad difficult to deal with is to handle deliberate latecomers. This article highlights a few ways in which a teacher can handle a perpetual latecomer.
Geetha Durairajan
Take a leaf out of this article to understand what learner-centredness really is .
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