Connecting with nature

V Shubhalaxmi

Bombay Natural History Society’s Conservation Education Centre has launched many programmes and events that are helping people connect with nature. See how you can replicate some of their programmes in your own schools and localities.

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Grass, grass all around

Geetha Iyer

When we think of grass we don’t go much beyond the inviting lawn that we have sat on or lazed on in our gardens or parks. Did you know that there are many different types of grass and plants that are often mistaken for grass but are not really grass? Read all that you did not know about the grass in this article.

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Let my teachers awake

Steven Rudolph

Here the author picks up from where he left off in the last article and talks about how he got his teachers excited to try out an “open day” in school– a day when teachers could plan and organize their time the way they want to with little inteference from the administration. If this experiment works with the teachers, the author plans to allow students in his school to chalk out their own schedules instead of following a pre determined time table. Wait and watch as to how the teachers’ open day turned out.

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Open up. Live a little.

Aditi Parekh

Do you learn only when you go to school? At 16, this author dropped out of school because she believes that she has a lot more to learn from life. Read her experience so far.

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Failure is not a full stop

Chintan Girish Modi

When a child fails, to a large extent he ends up getting blamed for the failure. Sometimes fingers are pointed at the teacher. An already upset child is labelled ‘lazy’, ‘dumb’, ‘stupid’ and we succeed in demoralizing the child. Instead have we ever asked, ‘Why is the child not interested?’, ‘How differently can I teach to create an interest?’, ‘How can I encourage my child and commend him for what he can do?’ As parents, teachers, and schools who have an interest in the child we have to take equal responsibility and help a child overcome his failure.

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Nurturing the self

Sometimes the routine pattern of our lives does not allow us to see things in a different perspective. Teachers, particularly, need to pull back and take a break. This Teachers’ Day, our contributors explore the idea and the benefits of a getaway.

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