For a stress-free childhood

Seetha Anand Vaidyam

Preschools are announcing newer and newer ways of engaging your 3 year old intellectualy in order to stay ahead of the competition. But are all these new methods and techniques doing any good to the child? Even a 3 year old can be stressed. How can we provide them with a stress-free environment? Read on.

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Making the margins visible

Usha Raman

Civics classes have always been reduced to learning the features of the Indian constitution and the Indian government. Civics textbooks offer umpteen opportunities to make classes livelier and more contemporary. Issues like marginalization and human rights might only be mentioned in the passing but here’s how you can use these issues to discuss, debate and learn about society.

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Small scale chemistry

Yasmin Jayathirtha

If your students have so far only been exposed to chemistry experiments in the textbook as setting up a chemistry lab is a lot of expenditure your school cannot afford here is a way you can get round the problem. With Small scale chemistry your students can actually try out experiments for themselves and your school doesn’t even have to spend that much.

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What is a teaching aid?

Meena Raghunathan

If you believe that you have to invest a lot to develop or buy teaching-learning materials you are wrong. Here are inexpensive materials you can use from your surroundings to make teaching fun.

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Thumbs up to bottle caps

Aditi Mathur and Ratnesh Mathur

Waste not, want not– the saying goes. This time Tool Kit brings you ideas and games using bottle caps. It is amazing how many things you can learn from mere bottle caps!

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Educating for moral development

Gurveen Kaur

That there is a need for moral education in school there is no doubt. But despite all the years of value education and moral science classes we have failed to instill morality in our children. Why? Because all these years the focus was on teaching moral values rather than on supporting the moral development of children.

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Spare the rod and save the child

Seetha Anand Vaidyam

Recently the newspapers reported the death of a 13 year old boy who was canned by his teacher for misbehaving in class. Why is it that we still have teachers in this country who believe that corporal punishment is the only way of disciplining a child? There is an urgent need to ensure that teachers are sensitive to children.

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