To err is Newton, to forgive divine

Sandhya Iyer
Science curriculum in school concentrates only on the laws, concepts, and discoveries and inventions by scientists. We never get to know the person behind these discoveries. A little knowledge about the human being behind the scientist, the times they grew up in, the challenges they faced will go a long way in our understanding of the science they developed.

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Middle school science – what it can be

Yasmin Jayathirtha
By hearting definitions, memorizing facts and remembering formulas is not what science learning is all about. Learning science is a process that involves exploration, experimentation, questioning and discovery. While primary school requires science to be hands-on and in high school, students are already in the exam mode, middle school is where science teaching-learning can actually blossom. This is the stage where activity based learning and inter-disciplinary thematic learning can help spark that scientific temper in children.

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Putting the body into science education

Magdalena Kersting
The human body is an amazing resource that helps us experience this world and yet it is underutilized in our classrooms. When it comes to education, the mind has always been given prominence over the body. Here are three ways in which a teacher can help her students further their understanding of science through their bodies.

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The science in nature

Adithi Muralidhar
Nature has served as a major source of inspiration to man—in poetry, dance, drama and literature. The field of science and technology too has been influenced by nature. In trying to find solutions to many modern day problems, it is to nature that man has turned. When nature can inspire, influence, teach and encourage, then why not turn nature into a science classroom?

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Why teach science when we can have so much fun with it?

Adithi Mathur and Ratnesh Mathur
Why is it that we insist on teaching children science? Science is to be lived and experienced as it is all around us. When we teach science, we approach it through facts and definitions and kill any curiosity there is in children. Instead let us leave them alone to ask their own questions, find solutions, make their own observations and imbibe science.

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Science is history

Rrishi Raote
Man has always been an inquisitive being. Did asking questions lead to the birth of the first scientists? Why are periods in human history defined by metals? How were the first cities for human habitation planned? How did science evolve? Our understanding of modern science will be greatly strengthened if we have a knowledge of the history of science.

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Themed learning for primary school

Prrema Rangachary
Learning in primary school should be wholesome. It should be exciting, inquisitive and challenging, for only then will children develop the desire to learn. A theme-based model of learning requires a teacher to put in a lot of effort and planning, but it imparts life skills and reveals the seamless connection between different subjects to the child.

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Being a part of the natural world

Chintan Girish Modi
All talk of climate change and degradation of the environment is usually alarming and negative. It puts people off and that is why Bijal Vachharajani fills her books for children on nature and environment with humour and hope. An interview with the children’s author.

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Tinkering: how we can think with our hands

Mihir Pathak and Srishti Sethi
As teachers who are keen on the all-round development of students, we should be excited about tinkering. Tinkering allows students to take learning into their own hands, steer it in directions they would like and build on skills like curiosity and creativity. As a methodology that also develop life skills, it is high time that we brought tinkering into our classrooms.

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Metals really matter: in life and learning

Tejas Joshi
One of the most important lessons in the science curriculum involves the periodic table and the elements. The lesson becomes all the more important because metals dictate our way of life today and how we use them will shape our future. We have to set traditional teaching methods aside and become creative in our delivery of the periodic table if it is to be of use to our students as changemakers, caretakers and concerned citizens tomorrow.

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