Spicing up the everyday routine: the video games way
Aditya Deshbandhu
Whether you love solving puzzles, playing with numbers, or just need a peaceful escape, Aditya Deshbandhu shares six must-play mobile games to brighten up your day.
Aditya Deshbandhu
Whether you love solving puzzles, playing with numbers, or just need a peaceful escape, Aditya Deshbandhu shares six must-play mobile games to brighten up your day.
Sandhya Kaura and Sunil Kaura
Did you know that the colors around us influence our mood, learning, and overall well-being? For example, violets and blues are calming, while yellows and reds are energizing. Sandhya and Sunil write about using color strategically to enhance focus, creativity, and relaxation in different classroom areas.
Sheela Ramakrishnan
Sheela reflects on her four decades as an educator and shares some classroom memories! With stories from both sides of the teacher’s desk, she writes about how to handle classroom disruptions, offering insights on understanding student behavior, building trust, and staying calm. Read on for practical tips and self-care strategies to thrive as an educator in today’s dynamic classrooms.
Anindita Bhattacharya
In a world where stress is constant, finding calm can feel impossible. With a basic understanding of the brain’s amygdala and happy hormones, you can learn practical ways to manage your emotions. From dopamine-boosting activities to simple breathing exercises, Anindita writes about easy yet effective techniques to reclaim your calm and happiness.
Fareen Wahid
“Keep Calm and Dance” isn’t just a motto but a way for Fareen Wahid to bring joy, resilience, and creativity into the classroom. From impromptu moves in the corridors to using dance as a coping mechanism, read how she uses dance to balance the demanding life of an educator.
Lakshmi Mitter
The idea of making a difference in the life of every child can be daunting. Lakshmi Mitter is reminded of the famous starfish story, and how it helps her pace herself, by focusing on one child at a time.
Dr. Anamika Sharma and Dr. L.Ravithej Singh
The pressures of classroom management can take a toll on the teacher’s health. They may struggle with stress, anxiety, impostor syndrome and the lack of work-life balance. “Keep calm and stay healthy,” can help teachers maintain their wellbeing and create a positive learning environment.
Nabanita Deshmukh
Arati Biswas, an NGO worker, embarks on a journey across India to uncover how teachers manage stress and seek peace in their daily lives. She meets inspiring educators like Gangamani, who uses soothing audio stories to calm her class, and Kumar, who learns to “compartmentalize” his personal struggles. As Arati learns from each teacher, she discovers that the path to calmness is unique but vital for effective teaching. Read Nabanita’s piece on lessons to find peace in your own classroom or workplace.
Ramya Sriram
The Lifelong Learner is a monthly comic strip that illustrates how continuous learning is embedded in the human experience. The strip emphasizes that learning is not confined to just school: we learn from nature, relationships, conversations, listening, making mistakes, trying new things, and reflection. And of course, learning isn’t a one-way street, it’s a dynamic exchange between teacher and student, adult and child.
Bincy Mary George
According to Bincy Mary George, educators are like gardeners, who nurture the seeds of the future. They must cultivate not just success but a love for learning and resilience in their students.
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