Ritu Gopal
The colour yellow invokes many beautiful images in the mind. Read why yellow is more than just a colour.
Ritu Gopal
The colour yellow invokes many beautiful images in the mind. Read why yellow is more than just a colour.
Shreya Prabhu Jindal
Even until a few years ago, young people used to steer clear of a teaching job. However, today the scene is different. More and more young people are coming back to schools as teachers. Here’s why a fresh out of college student became a teacher.
Geetha Iyer
There is no one that doesn’t like a pretty flower. But while we enjoy the flowers in our gardens and at horticulture shows, we don’t give the flowers that grow on the roadside or in the wilderness a second glance. Here’s why you should look.
Amol Padwad & Krishna Dixit
Instead of sitting and complaining about poor professional development for teachers, a group of teachers decided to form teachers clubs where teachers could meet, discuss, and improve their skill.
“Did you understand?”, is the most asked question in classrooms and the answer is always a “yes”. Often we are satisfied with this answer and move on.
Jyotsna Vijapurkar
But if we probe a little more we realize that in most cases children haven’t really understood what we are telling them. So how do we actually find out whether children understood? Here are a few ways.
T Vijayendra
An important exercise that teachers must engage in is reading. Find in this article a list of books that every teacher must read. And this list is not too tight on your purse either.
Steven Rudolph
One of the main purposes of education is to ensure that children can gain entry into best possible careers and careers of their choice. But when children and parents too are unaware of the options available to them then education doesn’t achieve its purpose. This is why career education is important right from school.
Neerja Singh
Sex is no longer something that is hidden from view. Kids as young as six or seven gyrate vigorously to Bollywood tunes copying the actors on screen during school competions and we adults applaud the raunch choreography as cute. Have we as a society become desensitized?
Simran Luthra
The word ‘education’ means a lot more than just learning math and science. A more basic purpose of education is to instill in children an ethical way of life. And instead of having boring lectures on moral values, a project called School Cinema hopes to do this in a fun and interesting way.
S Upendran
How did the words ‘hallmark’ and ‘earmark’ come to accquire their current meanings? Find out.
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