Category: Why Ulta Pulta?

Cool in unschool

Mary and Ratnesh
Homework for children is a bugbear. Teachers too may have disliked doing homework when they were students. So, here it is, homework or rather, fun work, as decided by the children themselves.

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Reverse facilitation

Children love doing things all by themselves and generally do not welcome intrusion. However, when they confront a problem, they can be seen running to their teachers or parents for solutions. But, when guided gently to think, they have their own solutions. Here is an interesting article to get children to do things by themselves.

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Finding their own answers

Thinksheets are akin to worksheets, but there is a small difference. Children are asked to find their own answers to the questions given in the sheet. Here is an example.

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Why Ulta Pulta?

Aditi and Ratnesh

This issue of Teacher Plus, to mark Teacher’s Day on September 5, stands apart for being different in its approach to the content published and hence the title, Ulta Pulta. Conceived in the spirit of inviting a school/community of teachers to take up the challenge of creating one issue of the magazine, the articles here give us a glimpse into the learning and teaching journey of teachers, parents and children.

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