Category: Swadeshi & Swaraj

Gandhi as my double

Shiv Visvanathan
Is Gandhi relevant today? Relevance is not the issue here at all, it is how Gandhi pushes one to be relevant in today’s world. He may not take up much space in the school text books but he continues to haunt us — in the way he teaches us, in the way he constantly reinvented himself. Remember to read up this author’s interesting dialogue with Gandhi.

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A work-able way to learning

Sushama Sharma

Anand Niketan in Sewagram is an excellent example of Gandhi’s ideas of education being practiced with sincerity and successfully. The principles of nai talim have been implemented to the extent possible and the teachers have found it workable and effective too. Take a glimpse into this school’s activities.

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Nai talim: whither the question of relevance?

Nyla Coelho
The current times that we live in require an education that is transformative, one that sees beyond the curriculum, prescriptive text books, class sizes etc. We need an education that is capable of building a relationship between the learner and the teacher. This can happen only if we begin to draw deeply from the vision that Gandhi presented to the nation.

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Nai talim: whither the question of relevance?

Nyla Coelho
The current times that we live in require an education that is transformative, one that sees beyond the curriculum, prescriptive text books, class sizes etc. We need an education that is capable of building a relationship between the learner and the teacher. This can happen only if we begin to draw deeply from the vision that Gandhi presented to the nation.

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The ideal of citizenship

Rohit Dhankar
In this article the author focuses on the ideal of citizenship in the Wardha scheme of education. This scheme is drawn from the text that finds a place in the Report of the Zakir Hussain Committee. The five-fold ideal of the society and citizenship is powerful and clear and can become the basis for aims and ideals of education in any democratic society.

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