Category: January 2015

The joys of reading: our discovery

Manik Dhingra
How can reading be transformed from being just a chore to a pleasurable activity? A simple exercise given to students to help them enjoy their reading changes their perception about reading being passive and not interesting enough. Discover how this change came about.

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The elephant in the room?

Aditi Dhammachakra
The only way to have truly inclusive schools is to ensure that education equips children and adults with the kind of critical thinking that is necessary to dispel false beliefs. This will help teachers tackle difficult questions about caste and gender issues.

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Dahl Tadka – a creative carnival

Sonali Bhatia
Children are creative and enthusiastic and left to themselves are capable of springing surprises. In a departure of sorts, an event based on books was conducted by children that included creating art and craft objects as well as performance. Here the children planned the event all by themselves with a bit of guidance from the teachers. This article gives a break-up of how teachers can help their children to conduct a similar event.

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Dahl Tadka – a creative carnival

Sonali Bhatia
Children are creative and enthusiastic and left to themselves are capable of springing surprises. In a departure of sorts, an event based on books was conducted by children that included creating art and craft objects as well as performance. Here the children planned the event all by themselves with a bit of guidance from the teachers. This article gives a break-up of how teachers can help their children to conduct a similar event.

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The medium can be the message

Roshen Dalal
Teaching history need no longer be a dull affair with disinterested students waiting for the class to get over. In the Age of the Internet, there are now available different types of media that can be used to bring history alive. Apart from books , magazines and photographs, the use of New media can kindle the interest of children. Read on to find out more.

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“Misses” can make mistakes too

Megha Radhakrishnan
Have you ever come across teachers who deliberately make mistakes, all with the intention of telling children that is OK to make mistakes and learn from them? Here is an interesting article that talks about how two teachers came up with this idea and succeeded in driving home their message.

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From academic excellence to administrative acumen

Devika Nadig
The role of a school principal has changed dramatically over the last few decades. From being an academic head, a principal is now more of an administrative head. Are principals equipped to take on this double burden? With several schools going the corporate way, there is much emphasis on trivialities leaving principals with hardly any time to concentrate on academic exercises.

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Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown

Chintan Girish Modi
Principals are often stereotyped as self-important individuals who sit in a spacious cabin holding meetings, making decisions and signing documents away from the classroom where children and teachers do ‘real’ work.

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In the footsteps of ‘Madam’ Principal

Divya Choudary
It was just another day at school. I entered the building and was greeted by classical music and the voices of students gathered in the courtyard for the morning assembly. The school seemed to buzz with energy. When the bell rang, the students rushed to their classrooms. I waited for the teachers to leave before introducing myself to Rama Devi ma’am, the school’s principal. I was to be her shadow for the day and get an unfiltered view of her daily tasks.

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Being principled

Damayanti Mukherjee
“There is a brilliant child locked inside every student” – this faith has been my lodestar in my 20 year journey from being a teacher to now occupying positions at the higher levels of school management. It is easy to lose sight of this fundamental axiom as one gets caught up in the mechanics of effective administration.

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