Category: May-June 2015

Measuring the smallest unit of charge

Robert A Millikan

It is strange how one thing leads to another. Today, the electron is an accepted fact of life. Even though nobody can vouch that he has seen an electron, scientists have not only found out all its behavioural properties, they have rallied around beams of electrons in CRTs and TV sets and harnessed their behaviour to the benefit of mankind in gadget after gadget.

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A famous experiment with a null result

Michelson & Morley

In 1878, the New York Times announced, “It would seem that the scientific world of America is destined to be adorned with a new and brilliant name,” predicting that light would soon be measured “with almost as much accuracy as the velocity of an ordinary projectile.”

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A relic of the Big Bang

How was the Universe created? This is one question that has confronted the human mind over thousands of years. Various civilizations, cultures, religions and mythologies have sought to answer this differently. In modern times scientists too had to address this question and they could not arrive at a unique answer all at once.

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Adding the human touch

Subha Das Mollick

Many students do not like physics because it is too cold and objective, devoid of emotion. To get these students interested in physics, one may try reading out passages from popular science books.

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The biophysics of walking

Geetha Iyer

Walking is something most of us take for granted. Modern day lifestyle having turned sedentary, it is now the prime form of exercise. Walking naturally brings to focus the limbs and by extension a memory of lessons of the skeletal and muscular system.

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Teaching physics, the Waldorf way

Gopa Malaker David

In the early years, in a Waldorf school, the kindergarten is spent in free play and listening to stories. Here, learning takes place primarily through imitating and repeating what the teacher does. As we move on to the grades, children learn more out of love, trust, and respect for the teacher.

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Ideas to enhance learning

Kannan Ramaswamy

Teaching that imparts learning is a challenging task. The real challenge for all teachers at all levels is to find out whether their teaching translates into learning. How do we know whether learning has happened? The answer to this question can only come from cleverly directed investigations.

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An inquiring class

Meena Sriram

Physics is one subject that can be very fascinating as children can apply concepts and see the consequences immediately. It is less abstract than the other sciences thus leaving little scope for imagination.

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Through the looking glass

Pinaki Das and HC Verma

In December 2013, the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL 2015). Thus 2015 is a great year to begin, or add to, activities about light that can be conducted in a classroom.

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