Sharmila Govande The best classroom and the richest cupboard is roofed only by the sky – Margaret McMillan A young preteen couldn’t contain her excitement. While she enthusiastically told me about her trip, what caught my attention was the overall impact the trip had on her self-belief and the resulting confidence levels. The highly spirited girl was all about, ‘I Can’. I can stay away from my parents, I can do all my routine chores by myself, I can make friends with people I don’t know, I can ask for help from villagers, I can manage money, I can travel by the local bus…her list seemed never ending. This young girl was part of a unique programme organized by her school Jnana Prabodhini Gurukul, Nigdi. These outstation tours called, “Matrubhumi Parichay” (getting to know the motherland) aim at creating awareness, love, and sensitivity toward our people and our diverse culture and traditions. Listening to her talk, I wished that all schools thought similarly and organized such tours for their children – tours that bring children closer to people from different communities, rejoice in the differences, become sensitive to their culture and traditions and develop love for the nation and harmony in society. Today, schools offer various excursion programmes to their students, but very few come close to Jnana Prabodhini’s “Matrubhumi Parichay”. These programmes are broadly classified into – day trips and outstation tours. Day trips are day-long trips where students spend the day at the destination and are back home before night time. Day trips include field trips with specific learning objectives and day-long fun picnics. Students going for outstation tours spend a few days away from home and these include study tours and camps. There is no standard practice in naming such excursions and every school terms them differently – exposure visits, field visits, educational tours, camping tours, outstation trips, etc. The difference is not only in the terminology, but also in what kind of programs are included as excursions. Overnight camps conducted within the school premises, resource person visits, and class participation in events and competitions are also included in the excursion gamut. Shiv Nadar school, Noida a school inclusive in its approach and vision conducts grade specific outstation trips to places where children learn and get acquainted with our natural environment and history. They take the children into the wilderness, national parks, and forest reserves, or to historical sites. By living in a natural environment, the children not only learn various academic