Category: February 2017

Will you stop, wait, or go?

Rules and values, can one exist without the other? While one has a positive feel to it, the other is often challenged. Is there a way to balance values and rules? Can we as schools and teachers find answers to these questions as apart from their families, children imbibe most of their values and knowledge of rules from schools.

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Fun ways of building word power

Leena Thorat

A popular way of building students’ vocabulary is to get them to write the same words several times and give them dictation. However what happens with this method of building vocabulary is that what is learnt is promptly forgotten after the test. Perhaps it is time to revise the way we help children learn vocabulary? Here are 5 interesting and fun ways that will give you much better results.

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Guiding the learning journey

Ashokan N V

The scope of a teacher’s role is much broader and goes beyond that of just teaching. A teacher is also an evaluator–someone who makes the effort to understand his/her students’ abilities and draw out their strengths while working on their weaknesses.

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Using the texting trend

Manaswini Sridhar

How many of you have rued the fact that the modern day means of communication–especially the SMS–have ruined your students’ language skills? Don’t despair. Turn your students’ penchant for the shortcut language to your advantage. Here’s how you can use the SMS language to teach proper language skills to students.

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Making connections: history and life

Payal Adhikari

History is certainly a study of the past, of eras long gone by. But when teaching it make the subject come alive for your students by linking the past with their present. Show them how the past connects with the present.

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A Library Saga

Urvashi Nangia

What does a library period usually entail? How does a librarian and teachers in a school encourage children to read more books and explore the library. Here’s looking at the library of this NGO school, called Digantar.

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Values and Rules: an unlikely love story

Aditi Mathur and Ratnesh Mathur

Why are values and rules always seen as two different entities? They are really like the two hands of a clock, working together to take us to one destination. From a young age, instead of just imposing rules and preaching values, it is necessary that we get the children to question, talk, evaluate, make, and break rules and values so that they grow up understanding rules and values entirely.

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Moulding with melody

Sujata C

Music, it has been said, enhances the mind’s ability to absorb knowledge. Music is often used in primary school, in the form of rhymes, songs, or dance, to teach children. But children in middle and high school are not treated to musical lessons. When there is enough evidence that music alerts the mind then why don’t we use it more often with the older children as well?

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Embracing innovation

Ankita Rajasekharan

What are innovative teaching practices? How does an innovative pedagogy help a school? How can one introduce innovation in the classroom? Some of these questions were answered in the National Symposium on Innovative Practices in Education organized by the Aurobindo International school.

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The magic and meaning of math

S N Gananath

Math teachers are usually disappointed when they are looking for teaching aids. The book Mathemagician combines innovative teaching practices in math with classroom management tips to give a math teacher a good teaching-learning material.

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