Category: The Big Trend

Seek, filter and network

Ketan Deshmukh and Kathan Shukla
Is it possible to use social media for academic learning? The authors of this article state that it is beneficial to embrace social media usage for student learning. In this however, teachers need to play an active role in enabling students to seek, filter and establish sources of knowledge and foster formation of their students personal learning network. Here are a few tips that will help teachers put this practice in place.

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Whole-school integration of technology

Monica Joshi
Kovleen Middha
Here is another case study on how some well equipped private schools in India are making use of technology across the curriculum and also to support the school management. This has brought about a lot of positive impacts— the teacher has become more of a facilitator and the students enjoy learning and are also improving on their performance.

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How Apps are changing education

Across the country, schools , educators and organizations are using technology to improve student learning and teacher development. Through computers, tablets, video conferencing and massive open online courses, education is now being made more accessible. The latest and most visible change is the use of mobile devices which are changing the way students learn. This article also looks at how schools are increasingly using technology to serve as a communication platform between schools, parents and children.

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What can I learn via social media?

Ullas Ponnadi
How can social media be used effectively to enable teaching and learning? This article attempts to document feedback acquired directly from teachers , parents and students on their personal and positive use of social media. Read on and adopt some of the easier methods.

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