Category: Window View

The Internet and free learning

Prakash Iyer
Is the Internet a good replacement for textbooks? Does its richness and free access to information and learning create more problems for pedagogy? Does the role of a teacher become more complex because of the Internet? In this article the author argues that while the Internet must be used in the teaching – learning process, educators must also teach children to assess sources of information, help them distinguish between truth and opinions. In fact they have a greater responsibility in this technological age.

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Free access is the only way

Rajaram S Sharma
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and its success has taken everyone by storm and may have helped in the growth of some individuals , but the fruits have not been accessible to all. Barriers to penetration, lack of bandwidth and cost of the devices have denied access to many. The author argues here how equitable access can be achieved and how people can work towards enabling it.

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A slate for every child: rethinking education in the age of computers

Amit Dhakulkar and Rafikh Shaikh
In this era, a computer in the hands of every child is equivalent to a notebook or slate. The notebook or the slate can be replaced and enhanced by a computer. The learning that ensues makes a difference not only in degree, but in kind. The authors of this article argue that just like a slate or a notebook, a computer in this age is no different

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Digital literacy shaping our reality

Farhat Ara
Computer education has been part of the school curriculum for some time now but the focus has only been on teaching computer applications in an instrumental manner and not on developing computational thinking. With the technological revolution beginning to be more visible, it is time teachers also find the resources and the opportunities to develop their computational thinking capabilities.

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The learning teacher

G. Gautama
Move, shift, rediscover, reshape—- these are the words that every teacher needs to adopt in this age of technology. The learning teacher is a new species whose metamorphosis is overdue. The learning teacher needs to embrace the same cycle that he / she would like for the young in his / her care. A consistent review and reflection of the process needs to be done by every teacher.

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