Category: April 2018

The power of collaboration

Usha Raman
Collaborative teaching practices can help teachers consider new ways of working.The Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) scheme is back in focus in this article after the CBSE brought in formal testing and reintroduced student detention.

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The here and now: why it matters

Sharoon Sunny
How can teachers go about their day by being immersed ‘in’ the moment? Can they practice ‘mindful’ living in their classrooms?How can the techniques of mindfulness be used to harness the power of attention in the classroom?The teacher must first learn to practice it herself.

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The CCE conundrum

Garima Bansal
The Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) scheme is back in focus in this article after the CBSE brought in formal testing and reintroduced student detention,The Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) scheme is back in focus.

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The picture tells it all

Proma Basu Roy
Have you come across books without words and having just pictures? Try and acquire one of these books and you will realize how reading a wordless picture book will give you immense joy, Try and acquire one of these books..

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Eins, two, teen, nalgu….

Manaswini Sridhar
Children love numbers and count anything that catches their eye—- from the number of vehicles on the road to birds sitting on a wall. As they grow however and into middle school, their fears about math and numbers surface and they begin to dislike the subject. How can children conquer their fears and develop mathematical skills? Teachers can put up puzzles on the walls and ask students to come up with their own puzzles based on the concept that is taught.

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It’s elementary, dear chemist!

Yasmin Jayathirtha
How can the periodic table be used as a link between the world of atoms and the world of reactions? The author suggests that by studying the development of the periodic table, students see that scientists have made the attempt to group elements according to their properties. The author has listed some activities that will help students get familiar with the structure of the periodic table.

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It's elementary, dear chemist!

Yasmin Jayathirtha
How can the periodic table be used as a link between the world of atoms and the world of reactions? The author suggests that by studying the development of the periodic table, students see that scientists have made the attempt to group elements according to their properties. The author has listed some activities that will help students get familiar with the structure of the periodic table.

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How plants make their own food

Ambika Nag
Concepts in any subject are better understood and grasped by students if they are explained in the form of stories. In Science too, a topic such as photosynthesis will find many takers if teachers first take the trouble to learn for themselves about scientists and their discoveries and how understanding of a concept evolved in the past. This article takes a peep into the historical account of the discovery of photosynthesis and how definitions came to be.

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Education 4.0: Personalization of Learning

Ullas Ponnadi
Mass education and learning is poised to see a big shift in the coming years. We are now at the start of what is being called as
the fourth industrial revolution and education 4.0 is the ability to combine the power of technology, specialized skilling, AI and Machine Learning to create a method that will deliver high quality content. So, will schools as a place to formally learn soon be a thing of the past? Read all about what the future holds for teachers and students in this thought provoking article.

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The inner beauty of math

Pooja Keshavan Singh
Mathematics is a subject that is often disliked by middle schoolers. However here is a book and a very insightful one at that which tells the story of a remarkable Math teacher, his craft and his aim to arouse curiosity in the reader towards discovering the inner beauty of math.

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