Category: December 2018

Journey outside the classroom

Usha Raman
Anybody who believes that learning happens only inside the classroom has got it all wrong. Learning can happen any time, any place—in your backyard, while you are walking or even trekking up a mountain. Therefore, open up your learning experiences and make the world your classroom.

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The world as a classroom

Lakshmi Karunakaran
We often look upon travelling as a leisure activity. But it is perhaps the best way to learn not just about the world outside but also about the world inside us. It teaches us the skills of life and brings us closer to ourselves. So how do we use travel as a teaching tool? An educator, a practicing teacher and a homeschooler share their thoughts.

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Travel. Think. Transform.

Ardra Balachandran
Imagine what it would be like if your classroom did not have walls. Literally! What would you say if you were told that you were going to spend every school semester in a different country? Think Global School is a unique educational experiment. A travelling school that takes its students and teachers on a beautiful learning journey.

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Bringing travellers to classrooms

Sharmila Govande
They say experience is the best teacher. Clap Global (a company) is providing students with a unique experience of interacting and learning from travellers from across the globe by bringing them to Indian classrooms. And it is not just the students who benefit from this interaction, the travellers too go back with new knowledge.

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Beyond borders

Sourina Bose
Student exchange programmes are meant to help build an understanding about another people, another country thereby making us more accepting of the other. For this reason student exchange programmes are quite popular as well. We bring you the story of Dane Liebermann, a 11th standard student from the US currently studying in a school in Kolkata.

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Packing learning into a trip

Jayanthi Sachitanand
Travel is popular as a leisure time activity, for pilgrimages and even for medical treatments. But the idea of travel as a teaching-learning tool is yet to be recognized. Make time for travel in your school calendar because the rewards it brings are far too many.

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Tryst with nature

Geetha Iyer
If school excursions are on your mind plan a trip to a wildlife sanctuary, national park or a biosphere reserve. Eco tours not only provide natural beauty and serene surroundings, they are also the best places to learn about conservation of and gain respect for the environment and animals therein.

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Having a field day of learning

Priya Mathur
What better way is there to teach geography than by visiting places? But taking a bunch of children outside the school is not always an easy task. And when you have children with special needs in your class it becomes that much more daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. If you are well-organized and properly planned taking all your students out can be exciting instead of frightening.

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Packing the picnic hamper

Radhika Mitter
Very young children can be a handful inside the classroom, imagine taking them out on a picnic! But this teacher was in for a pleasant surprise. Instead of tearing her hair out as she had feared, she came back, from her first picnic with her young students, a lot wiser.

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Adding depth and relevance to EVS

Tara Hariharan
It is when you are able to link what you learn inside a classroom with what lies outside that learning is complete. No matter how often you talk about conservation and preservation of the environment, it is only when you take your students out into the field that they actually realize the import of your lectures.

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