Category: Practice

Math in action

Suma Vivekanandan
If the mathematical foundation in primary school is solid then children can master complex mathematical concepts fairly easily in high school. This is why how teachers teach math in primary school becomes very important. A primary school math teacher should be a storyteller, an artist and a games developer rolled into one. Here are two fun activities to teach students the concepts of time and area and perimeter.

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Making smart use of technology

Sinny Mole
Technology is now omnipresent and like professionals in every other field, teachers too have to learn to make good use of technology to teach. And with so many advanced technology tools available, both hardware and software, teachers must also learn to use them smartly.

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The magic of magic squares

T R Mani
The world of numbers is a fascinating one. Engaging with it helps develop creativity, curiosity, thinking and problem solving skills. Teach your students how to make their own magic squares and provide them with the perfect entry into this fascinating world.

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The art of mathematics

Saroja Sundararajan
Art is one of the best mediums to learn mathematics. Whether it is the visual or performing arts, drawing or dancing, mathematical concepts are better absorbed by students while performing one of these arts. Teaching math through art should become everyday practice for the math teacher and not a one off project work for the student. So how do you integrate art into the math classroom? Here are a few ideas.

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One problem – many solutions

M. Gopalakrishnan
Every problem has not one but many solutions. And it is the math teacher’s job to help their students explore different ways of arriving at a solution to a given problem. Looking at a problem from different perspectives not only enhances their understanding of a concept but it also promotes creativity and perseverance.

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Tangrams in early mathematical education

Lalitha Sundaresan
Spatial intelligence is very crucial to performing several tasks in life including achieving a good solid foundation in mathematics. Why then do we ignore the development of this skill in school? Use tangrams to help students visualize shapes and the relationship between them even as you teach them the concepts of area and perimeter.

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Folk mathematics

S N Gananath
The beauty of math lies in the variety of methods one can employ to teach it. If you are a creative and passionate teacher, you would have realized the potential of folk puzzles to teach several aspects of mathematics – problem solving, spatial thinking, computation, pattern identification to name just a few.

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