Category: December 2022

Books on Climate Change

If you are looking to introduce children to climate change and hope to inspire them to work with the topic, here is a list of books that can help you nudge them in that direction.

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How a lake was saved

Seetha Anand
While primarily it is the job of the government to maintain public spaces, as citizens we cannot wash off our hands from doing our bit. Here’s how a group of citizens came together to clean up a lake and its surroundings in Hyderabad.

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Nudging children to fight the good fight

Anwar Sadat
Climate change is the single largest threat to the survival of mankind. Its effect is devastating and widespread. It is now no longer a problem only certain sections of the population have to worry about. Every individual has to participate in finding solutions to and adapting to climate change, including children.

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The health impact of climate change

GVS Murthy
If you think COVID is the biggest scare to human health, think again. There is no bigger threat to a healthy lifestyle than climate change. Read about the direct and indirect impact of climate change on the human body and how India, as a country, is responding to this emergency.

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The dry river sutra: a requiem

Saurabh Popli
As our population grows, so do our cities. But out-dated designing systems and unplanned, short-sighted constructions are causing our cities to become extremely vulnerable to climate variations. A look at Bhopal.

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Climate change, coastal erosion and communities

Kumar Sahayaraju
Climate change affects all people, but it affects some people more than others. A narrative of how climate change is causing beaches in Kerala to erode, leaving the fishing community that lives by the beach, off the beach and for the beach all at sea.

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Teaching climate change: an educator’s journey

Vandana Singh
Education can and should be an ally in our efforts to mitigate climate change. But so far it hasn’t been able to play that role. Why? After an extensive study of the problem, the author shares her understanding of where we are going wrong with climate pedagogy and what we can do to correct it.

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Recognizing and responding to the crisis at hand

Ankita Rajasekharan
All creatures living on Earth are responsible for its wellbeing—whether an ant or a blue whale. However, nobody has a stronger impact on the planet than the human being. Because of this and also because we are primarily responsible for climate change, we should be the ones to find solutions to this problem. Here are the stories of five people who are finding their own ways to respond to climate change and making an impact in their small spaces.

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On the wings of a butterfly

Geeta Ramanujam
Stories are born from our observations, imagination, and experiences. From a large monochrome boulder to a small colourful butterfly, from a solitary tree to the tiny grass at its feet, the Earth has many stories to tell us. Of late, however, the Earth has been telling us tragic stories of forest fires and smog, and floods and landslides. It’s time that we changed the Earth’s story once again.

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