The transformative impact of good memories in learning spaces
Latha Gangadharan
A teacher plays a very crucial role in a child’s life and is the person that can help the child grow up to be a complete individual.
Latha Gangadharan
A teacher plays a very crucial role in a child’s life and is the person that can help the child grow up to be a complete individual.
Tegbir Singh
There is a lot of talk about technology in education and whether it is a boon or bane. To this debate, here is one more teacher’s voice..
Megha Bajaj
Learning disabilities in children are not easy to handle as their diagnosis itself is difficult. But learning disabilities are a genuine problem and teachers need to be aware of what these are and how they can help their students tackle them.
Usha Raman
The new academic year has just begun. As we welcome the new and say goodbye to the old, let us not lose sight of our responsibilities towards our students, to the future. At Teacher Plus too we have bid farewell to a couple of our colleagues and welcomed new people on the team even as we continue learning and sharing.
Neeraj Naidu
Learning the multiplication tables is an important ritual in the math classroom. After all it is one of the necessary tools to crack math problems! So teachers leave no stone unturned to ensure that their students can sing the tables at least up to 20. But why are we limiting the multiplication tables to simply by hearting them? Here is a fresh perspective on the much loved multiplication tables.
Nupur Hukmani
Schools are important institutions in a society, and governments, parents, educators, and the public in general always want to know how successful they are. Are schools doing what they are meant to? While there are mechanisms in place to measure a school’s success, they are usually limited to students’ academic performances. However, limiting a school’s success to just this one area means looking at the short term and narrowing down on institutional goals. What other dimensions of learning critical to a student’s success can and should be included while measuring a school’s success. How should or do schools measure their success and effectiveness?
Katie Bagli
The fact that human survival depends on the survival of the ecosystem has not yet fully sunk in. We must strive from all possible directions to help each other understand the importance of the conservation of the environment. In an effort to help his peers, and hopefully the adults, comprehend the gravity of the situation, a young school student brings us this story.
Chandrika Muralidhar
Science classrooms should be vibrant, inquisitive, and exploratory. They should be able to produce scientists who can find solutions to the world’s problems. Using case studies as a teaching methodology is a good way to make science learning real.
Vikash Sharma
The society runs like a well-oiled machine. Everyone plays their roles and no one strays from their duties. So why upset the applecart? Because if we don’t, everything that is wrong with the way things are functioning now, will continue to be wrong and that is not right.
Urvashi Nangia
We need to revive the reading culture. But which books do we begin with? Which of the many books do we pick up for our children? Tata Trust’s initiative, the Parag Honour List is the answer to these questions. The list brings out the best of children’s books in English and Indian languages every year.
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