Category: A Step Ahead

The TikTok phenomenon

Neerja Singh
This month the author looks at what happens when students use Tik Tok. What happens to their personal data? What pressures do they face? What kind of content appears on their screen? What are the impacts of using Tik Tok for long durations? How do we deal with all these?

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Generative AI – the mind in the machine

Neerja Singh
Artificial intelligence has been making steady inroads into various facets of our lives. Every other day it has us in awe at what all it can achieve. Can our schools remain untouched? Are the schools already affected? Can the teachers and students benefit from artificial intelligence?

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What is gender-affirming care?

Neerja Singh
In a world where personal freedom and choice have become the priority, we have many young people coming out to openly discuss gender related issues they are dealing with. Just as these teenagers need all our support and understanding to lead normal lives, their parents too need to be supported through this process. Where do schools come into the picture here and how?

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Young and eco-anxious

Neerja Singh
All around, all the time, environmental doom is staring us in our face so much so that climate change is causing our young adults extreme anxiety. A bleak future for Earth, indifferent adults, and their own participation in pro-environment causes leading to little or no visible change is consuming the young. Eco-anxiety among our children is real and it is time that we woke up to support them.

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NFT learning

Neerja Singh
The rapid growth of NFTs in the digital world can help the education industry to look at it in a different way. An NFT or a non-fungible token is a digital asset that exists entirely in the digital universe and can be in any form such as a photo or a video. NFTs can inculcate curiosity, excitement, creativity and problem – solving skills in the minds of students. This article takes a look at the primary power of NFTs in a school setting.

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The emoji war

Neerja Singh
Emojis are an easy way for us to express our emotions and feelings. They save us the bother of searching for the right words and the time to type those words in. Thrilled as we are of their existence, are we sure we are using the right emojis to represent what we are feeling or thinking? For the younger generation, the language of emojis is constantly evolving and in order to communicate with them, we need to keep ourselves up to date.

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Data privacy in schools

Neerja Singh
In an increasingly digital world, data is everywhere, and specifically among students, the digital footprint is everywhere. So, where do schools stand on this? How can schools protect their students’ data? And what is the concept of privacy? Data privacy is important because a breach could put all the students’ personal information at risk. Here are some tips on the measures that schools can adopt to ensure that their data is protected and secure.

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The ‘feeling’ economy

Neerja Singh
The advent of social media has seemingly connected people around the world, but there is a huge chasm in relationships across all sections of people. There is a sense of belonging to everywhere but nowhere really. According to projections, the knowledge economy is in a state of decline and the next big shift will be towards the ‘feeling’ economy. Here skills will be around building teams, establishing interpersonal relationships, motivating and caring for others. How prepared are people to face this and is their emotional wellness or quotient a notch higher?

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Learning to deal with death

Neerja Singh
Death is one of life’s realities. By keeping children away from this reality we are not doing them any good. When children that have been shielded from this fact are suddenly confronted with the death of a loved one, they won’t know how to process all the feelings they are experiencing. This is why teachers should not avoid opportunities to talk about death and dying in the classroom.

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Crypto kids

Neerja Singh
Welcome to Web3, the future of the internet. Even as this vision for a newer and better version of the World Wide Web is evolving, young children are already being trained in the world of artificial intelligence, machine learning, crypto currencies, blockchain technology and NFTs. Like with everything that is new, Web3 is both exciting and baffling.

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