Category: Comment

Technology in education: What we are missing out on

Loveina Joy
Technology has a lot to offer us in the field of education. In this pandemic, we have relied on technology to be able to continue teaching and learning. Flowing with the tide, everyday we find that technology has something new to offer the teacher or the student. However, with all the benefits that technology offers and all the good it is currently doing are we forgetting the importance of human intervention in education.

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Decolonizing Indian school education

G. Gautama
In the second part of his article on small schools, the author raises some very important questions and suggests a way to move forward. Covid -19 may have disrupted people’s lives but it has also presented opportunities to change educational approaches. Multiple small institutions and a decentralized approach to teaching and learning must be the way ahead.

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Small school in COVID times… ‘to sit beside’ again…

G. Gautama
There is no question that Covid 19 has disrupted people’s lives. Educational approaches too, have changed. Students and teachers are confined to their homes with their gadgets. Learning may be happening, but there are questions – what happens to physical activity or interactions? There is a large population for whom school means many things – from friends to books and even midday meals. How is this group managing? Do other solutions exist?

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Small school in COVID times… 'to sit beside' again…

G. Gautama
There is no question that Covid 19 has disrupted people’s lives. Educational approaches too, have changed. Students and teachers are confined to their homes with their gadgets. Learning may be happening, but there are questions – what happens to physical activity or interactions? There is a large population for whom school means many things – from friends to books and even midday meals. How is this group managing? Do other solutions exist?

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The role of a teacher amidst the pandemic

S S Verma
The pandemic has hit everybody hard. We have all had to reimagine the way we work and live and surely it has been most difficult for the teachers. Several teachers have lost their jobs, new teachers are not finding jobs and yet as a community they have not let their students down. No matter how difficult the circumstances they have worked and it is our job to support them in any way that they need.

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Pay attention… naturally

Aruna Sankaranarayanan
Is there an upside to this global pandemic? Initially there were some positive reports about pollution receding, people sighting birds in their balconies etc. How can we forge this relationship with nature anew? Can communing with trees, birds and bees enhance children’s ability to focus? This article talks about how one can appreciate nature more mindfully.

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I want to be a teacher…

Shirisha Konduri
Can teaching become more of a profession by choice rather than by chance? While it is true that highly qualified candidates are entering the field of school teaching, the question still remains if it is by choice. This article lists a few reasons why youngsters should consider teaching.

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