The chemistry of everyday life
Yasmin Jayathirtha
Looking for experiments that illustrate chemical changes? Here are a few of them.
Yasmin Jayathirtha
Looking for experiments that illustrate chemical changes? Here are a few of them.
Yasmin Jayathirtha
Chemistry is all about bangs and colours. Here the author deals with different types of reactions in chemistry.
Yasmin Jayathirtha
Simple experiments using chemicals found in everyday household products to help children learn to observe changes and then convert their observations into balanced equations.
Yasmin Jayathirtha
Why is carbon unique and what is its link between inorganic and organic chemistry? Read all about carbon and its compounds here.
Yasmin Jayathirtha
This article explains what can be done in the laboratory to illustrate the carbon cycle.
Yasmin Jayathirtha
Get to know the element nitrogen a little more with experiments from this article.
Yasmin Jayathirtha
Nitrogen is a colourless, odourless gas and this makes it difficult to conduct experiments or to observe it directly. However, this article explains why it is important to study the chemistry of nitrogen and its compounds.
Yasmin Jayathirtha
Water is a topic studied across classes and disciplines and is essential to life. Here are some experiments that can be brought to the attention of students.
Yasmin Jayathirtha
Science is a part of our daily lives and is accessible to everyone. All we need is a little curiosity. ‘The Agenda of the Aprentice Scientist’ is a book that has a lot of activities that can be carried out. Every science teacher and those teaching humanities too need to take a look at this book.
Yasmin Jayathirtha
Through this month’s column, the author shares with her readers simple experiments using sulfur that will help students understand the element better.
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