Library narratives
Anitha B and Seethal PS
If you are looking for ways to make the best use of your library, read to find out how these two librarians got their students and teachers to explore the library.
Anitha B and Seethal PS
If you are looking for ways to make the best use of your library, read to find out how these two librarians got their students and teachers to explore the library.
Nirali Dagli
Mere lip service won’t help anybody. If we want our students to be able to confront and solve problems that are in the way of their future, we need to train them from right now.
Alka Kapur
If you are thinking about implementing green initiatives in your school, Modern Public School shares with you a few practices that you can follow.
Usha Raman
We have reached the end of a long chapter, as we bring to you this last print edition of Teacher Plus. Just as stories have leapt off the printed pages of books and now reach us in many different ways, Teacher Plus too will come to you in a digital avatar. It may not be the same, but our stories will continue to carry the same spirit as we begin a new chapter.
Menaka Raman
Stories are the best ways to connect with people. For children’s author Menaka Raman, the best bit of writing books is that she gets to take them to schools and libraries and read to young children there. Did a joke she added the last minute land well with her readers? How did children react to the protagonist’s situation? What would they do in a similar situation? It is through these interactions that Menaka finds out if she has touched a chord with her book.
Thejaswi Shivanand
When little children are growing up sounds, pictures, colours, textures, shapes, and structures all fascinate them. Everything is new and everything is about learning. At this stage, pictures books can play an important role in helping children process and relate to the world.
Ankita Rajasekharan
If you observe carefully, you will find that there is always something to read between the lines in every story. It is from these ‘in between the lines’ that stereotypes get created, biases generated, and prejudices formed. So the next time you read a story, read it critically.
Deepa Sreenivas
We are all so very comfortable and happy in our standardized world that when we hear or see something that is outside the norm, we reject it. But unless we include different perspectives in our stories, how are we going to build an inclusive world, a world that is home to all?
Siddhi Gupta
If only spoken and written words come to mind when you think of literature, you need to expand your horizon. Visual storytelling is a very old art form, especially in a culturally rich country like India. By introducing your students to books that tell stories through folk art, we can rethink literature classes beyond narratives and classics and help our students imagine, wonder, and understand the world better.
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