Category: Project

What colour do you see?

Colours bring our world alive. We are naturally attracted towards them. We are more likely to pick the most orange of carrots on the vegetable cart or the deepest red rose from a bush. Colours impact our moods, colours delight us. The natural world uses colour to both attract and hide. Go on this most fascinating journey of the physics, biology, language and art of colours with your students.

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From the fearsome belly of the earth

Volcanoes can be dangerous and majestic too. What causes volcanoes to form, erupt or even stay dormant for years? This month’s project takes a close look at volcanoes and outlines activities that teachers can use to help children in middle and high school to learn about them.

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Learning about pandemics while living through one

Shruti Singhal
Pandemics are no longer something we used to read about in history. We are living through one right now and perhaps that is why it is also the best time to learn more about them and from them. These are difficult, exhausting and trying times but learning more about pandemics while experiencing one needn’t be hopeless and dark. Here are a few ways of how you can make the subject interesting and worthwhile for your students.

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Where does our food come from?

Neha Pradhan Arora
Food nourishes us and keeps us alive. But have you ever thought of the journeys made by the ingredients in our food or the dishes that we eat? Every dish is a culmination of stories, journeys, flavours, aromas and memories from across time and place. That is the beauty and mystery of food. This month’s Project takes you on this food journey.

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Energy – the one constant in the Universe!

Madhuri Katti
Energy is all around us, but we cannot see it. From car engines to a hot cup of coffee to even the street lights that shine in the night, to the food that we eat – everything uses up energy. It is something that we cannot do without. But it is also an intriguing and abstract concept, difficult to comprehend and teach at different class levels. Our Project this time is centered on this concept and you can find in this articlesome ideas and activities.

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The world of e-waste

Mahak Khanna
Technology is growing and at a fast pace. From the mobile phone in your hand to the computer on your desk, newer models with greater efficiency are released almost every day. And growing at just the same pace is a by-product of this industry – e-waste. Did you know that India is the third largest generator of e-waste in the world? We need solutions to this problem and the first step towards finding one is becoming aware of the problem. Here is a project that runs across levels and subject areas to do with your children.

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The Pyramids – a cross-curricular trip

Sunita Biswas
For centuries, the pyramids of Egypt have been a source of wonder because of their size, the complexities in the construction process and about the men who created these enduring marvels. So, in the school curriculum, how can this topic be dealt across all disciplines and not just history? Here is a fascinating insight.

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Do you have the time for this?

Ankita Rajasekharan
Time is a mystery. Time is fascinating. Time is experienced differently by each of us. It is important not just for us humans but also for all other living organisms. Let us try and understand, to a little extant, what time is and how it impacts our lives.

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What’s left in memory

Mehak Siddiqui

From cave walls to instagram; stone to digital modes man has come a long way in how he keeps and stores data. As interesting and varied are the means in which we record and document our lives, there are as many learning opportunities to be had with regard to record keeping whether it be in English, science, social science or the arts.

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Buildings talk… structures teach!

Meera Bhuvanesh
Buildings tend to inspire strong emotions in many of us. A temple or a church may give us a sense of peace while a more stately structure might inspire awe in us. But have you thought how buildings and architecture can also offer a world of learning possibilities? When children study about buildings, they can draw upon different fields of knowledge —- from math and history to art and design.

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